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Podfarm 2.5 Discount

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Hello i've been using podfarm 2.5 almost as long as i have been playing guitar, through my UX-1, but my ux-1 is slowly on its way out (not working all the time) and i've gotten a bigger interface for my band that we use when we record our stuff. I've already bought some add on packs.

I was wondering if there are any discounts for the hardware independent version of podfarm 2.5 standard, sense i've already spent the money on the original ux-1 interface and have spent money on the add ons to it. I would rather not have to find something else and loses everything i've invested in podfarm once the ux-1 dies, 

plus it would be nice to free up a USB port and not have to have 2 interfaces plugged in (one for the original license and the other for recording 5 people). 


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Well, I don't think there is an official discount to upgrade to the h/w independent PF 2.5, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I would call Line 6 and ask nicely. See Contact Us link at the foot of this page.


If you were only licensed for Pod Farm 1 (original version) I wouldn't hold out any hope, and even at PF2 you will not likely be successful but it's worth a shot.

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Here's another thought. Since it sounds like you have already moved on to another audio interface, and you are keeping your UX-1 just for Pod Farm...... why not sell your UX-1 to at least partially fund the purchase of the h/w independent version of PF?

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thats a pretty good idea, i just have a slight reservation with the idea that it's not working perfectly.
another question i had is if the addons i've bought already, would perfectly fine with the the Hardware independent copy? it seems obvious that they would be but just to be on the heads up i though i would throw it out there.

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yes model packs/purchases will work after the upgrade.


thats a pretty good idea, i just have a slight reservation with the idea that it's not working perfectly.
another question i had is if the addons i've bought already, would perfectly fine with the the Hardware independent copy? it seems obvious that they would be but just to be on the heads up i though i would throw it out there.

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