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Helix Cheat Sheet for Patch Creation


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Hey - 


First time poster.  I recently got a Helix (love it so far) and while creating patches, I thought it would be nice to have a one page resource for what the blocks are modeling.  I tried creating one that kept the theme of the Helix overview cheat sheet available from Line 6.



Google Drive PDF


I use it all the time now as I'm getting to learn all the Line 6 names and what they are modeling.  Thought maybe someone else might benefit from something like this.



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2 hours ago, zolko60 said:


Thank you. Please update your sheet with Legacy section. Some old fx have no better versions and nobody knows if they will.


He doesn't have the Pitch/Synth section in there either. I think these areas would require a second page. Perhaps both pages printed on each side of a piece of paper.

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On 12/12/2018 at 6:12 PM, Scoro said:

Hey - 


First time poster.  I recently got a Helix (love it so far) and while creating patches, I thought it would be nice to have a one page resource for what the blocks are modeling.  I tried creating one that kept the theme of the Helix overview cheat sheet available from Line 6.


Google Drive PDF Link


I use it all the time now as I'm getting to learn all the Line 6 names and what they are modeling.  Thought maybe someone else might benefit from something like this.




1 hour ago, brue58ski said:


He doesn't have the Pitch/Synth section in there either. I think these areas would require a second page. Perhaps both pages printed on each side of a piece of paper.


Note: Also, Reverb, EQ and Volume/Pan models are not on the list - this really would need to be a double sided item to fit the other info and remain printable on a domestic printer (A4 or A3 oversize)


Furthermore, although this is all very nice and helpful, I have a feeling that someone from Line 6 will jump on it in much the same way as happened when someone posted a pdf to create a sicker for the rear of the Helix Floor units. IIRC, there were a few versions around, but they appeared to have breached copyright by using the Line 6 logo, the term L6-Link and Variax registered brand name on a third party item, not commissioned, or authorised by Line 6. Removing any reference to Line 6 may be the way to go.


I mention this simply because of the prior incident. I realise Helix users really enjoy making things like this, but this is just a word of caution regarding logos and the “look and feel” of items not made by Line 6 or an authorised sub contractor. 


This is quote from Line 6 Service Engineer “psarkissian” in this previous post:


Be careful,... making one yourself and using is one thing. Distributing it with Line 6 logos,

L6 Link and Helix labeling on it, might a problem. It's better to check with Line 6 about this before

putting it out there. There may be trademark issues. I don't want to see anyone get in trouble over this.


I'll pick our legal person's brain about this, see what they think.”

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I'll see if I can add a second page for some of the missing stuff.


As far as the legal stuff goes you are correct that not using logos is the way to go without written permission.  I'll update the link to have a version without the official logos.  I'll try to get a second page up in the next day or so. 

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On 12/14/2018 at 8:31 AM, Scoro said:

I'll see if I can add a second page for some of the missing stuff.


As far as the legal stuff goes you are correct that not using logos is the way to go without written permission.  I'll update the link to have a version without the official logos.  I'll try to get a second page up in the next day or so. 


Yeah, I could see the icons becoming an issue for some within L6's team of legal barracudas. However I see how L6 skirts using the names of the original devices by putting a ® or a ™ next to them along with a disclaimer at the bottom of the pages, so I don't think they'd get in too much of a twist were you to use that same tactic. 

This is a great idea.  I love that it is sorted by alpha based on the original models instead of the cutesy names L6 gives them.  If one is so inclined, perhaps expand it to two pages and use a larger font so those of us beyond age 40 can read the printed versions?

If someone has had way too much coffee, this could be hyperlinked using the links within the HelixHelp page to the original models.  Me?  I haven't had that much coffee.  Plus, my dang trick knee is acting up.  Oh...and I have to fold laundry...

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Thanks for the suggestions!


I've updated the link -- it is now split into 3 pages.  I've increased the font sizes for readability.  The first page contains the Amps and Cabs followed by Effects on page 2 and finally Legacy Effects on page 3.

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@ScoroThis is an outstanding reference! Thanks for your efforts creating and updating, and sharing for all to use!


[Addendum: I posted on TGP about your excellent effort creating and sharing the PDF, and this thread.

The TGP Post URL is:]

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3 hours ago, Optimist said:

Great work, very handy, many thanks!

BUT: if you want to print this, it uses a LOT of black toner/ink. A »positive« Version (with white background and black text) would be more economical …


Yeah, but black is way cooler. Ya gotta admit that!

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