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Hi Guys. 


Ive had a UX1 since pod farm 1.0 maybe 13 years ago at a guess. 


I recently tried to start using plugins in reaper with IRs and also standalone Amp sims like Cali Suite by Neural DSP using my UX1 as the interface. But I've run into some crazy electrical noise I've never had before on both of these am sims with IRs loaders builtnit. I normal using podfarm for scratch tracks. 


I've tried the usual changing cables etc. But I cant figure out where its coming from so I am wondering if is possibly the UX1 itself. Also Is it possible for these super old interfaces to run IR based sounds?  


Just wondering as if not its about time I bought an upgrade. Asside from my PC components (PC is a pc specialist build) im not sure what else it could be so I am hoping y'all have some ideas? I can supply samples if needed. 


Much appreciated!

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