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HX Edit, please add a "select all" square


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Hi, I'm sure it's been suggested before but I will bring it up again for snapshots or anything dealing with editing multiple sliders at once.  The whole single click one slider at a time to change from none to snapshot controlled is a pain, time consuming and finger crippling especially when you have lots of blocks and the blocks all happen to have the largest number of sliders per block (maybe a bunch of 10 channel EQ's for example).  Some of us are older users, not spring chickens without degrees of arthritis. 


Please add a line up top in the HX edit when we click on it, it will highlight all sliders on the current viewed block enabling us to pick our setting and they all get mass changed at once.  Furthermore, let's just change it so we can also maybe do a shift click and highlight chunks of sliders or maybe CNTL click to pick out a bunch like a word editor. 

The mass highlight would be appreciated though.



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I think something like this might be a bigger effort than many think.  Other than file system operations and system update operation, HX Edit relies entirely on the editing functionality in the Helix and simply provides a graphical interface for them.  I understand why that's the strategy as it keeps all core editing functionality in the Helix rather than spread the coding between the Helix and HX Edit.  That being the case though, it might take a while to figure out how to build that sort of multiple selection functionality into the Helix.

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3 hours ago, SaschaFranck said:

Multiple selections would be great for moving things around, too.


You can already "move" multiple presets in the HX Edit preset list per drag and drop, at least on Mac. However, they will replace all existing presets following the position where you're placing them. So make sure that those are empty preset slots.

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There are these shortcuts for assigning and unassigning parameters to the snapshot controller:


- Snapshot Assign Shortcut: OPTION-click (Mac) or ALT-click (PC) any Home screen parameter to quickly assign its value to the Snapshots controller

- Unassign Controller Shortcut: SHIFT-OPTION-click (Mac) or SHIFT-ALT-click (PC) any Home screen parameter to instantly remove any controller assignment

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3 hours ago, gunpointmetal said:

The CNTRL+Click thing makes sense. I'm having a hard time seeing a time when one would want to adjust ALL parameters the same degree at the same time.


I think he meant the ability to assign all the parameters of a particular effect to snapshots at the same time but each parameter could still be adjusted and store separately. I've had this issue with the parametric EQ. Wanted to assign just about every parameter to snapshots. Would have made it a lot easier to do instead of having to right click and select snapshot for every parameter.

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