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JTV/macOS issue that needs better options

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A pre-owned JTV-69 in beautiful condition has come to me, and I'd like to reset it to factory specs. That requires Line 6 Monkey, which is two major versions behind on macOS support. My entire music ecosystem is Apple, and Monkey is literally the only thing I can't do. Workbench HD requires a factory preset bundle to do that. The Pilot's Guide download link for that is broken. The push-button/plug-in method documented online was deprecated at JTV flash 2.0. So I need a new noun to be able to do an old verb. Please answer me any one of these questions, if you can.


  • Does anyone have a JTV-69/59 factory bundle they can share?


  • What is Line 6's release date for a new macOS compatible Monkey software?


  • What's the smallest, cheapest Windows 10 device with a USB 2.0 port that you've loaded Monkey on? Conversely, have you had some W10 tablet FAIL to load Monkey and other L6 USB tools? I'm at the point of spending $250 for a tablet that will fit in my gig bag and run BandHelper and all of Line 6's support tools. That... is not a bad idea, honestly.
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11 hours ago, johnbeamon said:



  • What is Line 6's release date for a new macOS compatible Monkey software?


The release date will be the day that somebody yells "Here it is!"... that's just how L6 rolls. They never announce anything ahead of time, with the exception of the occasional vague and open-ended declaration of "soon" don't expect anything that even remotely resembles a useful answer, because you won't get one.


It's also worth noting that the JTV's are now more than a decade old... it's entirely possible that the answer to your question is "never".



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The non-rhetorical part is do the legacy Line 6 apps for Windows run as designed on Windows tablets? I'm not a Windows user and don't know if there are dotted lines between tablet and desktop in their OS support.


It's also worth noting that the JTV's are now more than a decade old.


You're not wrong about the JTVs, but there were new Variax lines released in 2015 and 2017 before the Monkey product fell out of macOS in 2019. I would *love* to see Workbench HD include firmware management, like HX Edit does now. Line 6 is actually makes a strong case for buying JTVs USED instead of NEW, because used is more likely to have been updated by the previous owner while the tools still worked. I was lucky to find my new pre-owned had flash 2.15 on it, once I got it connected to Workbench HD.

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16 minutes ago, psarkissian said:

Mac OS compatibility notice is right above on the screen.



That post is about macOS 11. I'm asking about macOS 10.15, released October of 2019, 2yrs after the Shurikens came out. Honestly, a Workbench HD update with firmware management (re: HX Edit) would be a welcome solution, even on macOS 10. Can Line 6 speak to the possibility of rolling Monkey into Workbench HD, the way Updater was rolled into HX Edit?

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Check the Downloads page and select the hardware, software and OS that you are using.


Updater like app??? Don't know. The first I hear of anything new is when there's a glitch in

something new and they need me to fix it. Haven't seen anything.


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2 hours ago, johnbeamon said:


It's also worth noting that the JTV's are now more than a decade old.


You're not wrong about the JTVs, but there were new Variax lines released in 2015 and 2017 before the Monkey product fell out of macOS in 2019.


Yeah that's true, but the Standards are in essence a cheaper JTV69... they just stuffed the same guts stuffed into a Pacifica... there was nothing "new" about the modeling or the edit software. So as far as support/OS compatibility is concerned, they're all in the same boat.

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On 3/24/2021 at 2:53 PM, cruisinon2 said:


Yeah that's true, but the Standards are in essence a cheaper JTV69... they just stuffed the same guts stuffed into a Pacifica... there was nothing "new" about the modeling or the edit software. So as far as support/OS compatibility is concerned, they're all in the same boat.

Do you recall that my question was when Line 6 would update Monkey and maybe Edit for the last two releases of macOS, not about the difference between JTV and Standard? JTV, Standard, Shuriken, none of that matters. I'm inquiring when Line 6 plans to update the software for their product line to the last two releases of macOS, and the only answer I've gotten so far is to check the Downloads page (which I've obviously done).

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12 hours ago, johnbeamon said:

Do you recall that my question was when Line 6 would update Monkey and maybe Edit for the last two releases of macOS, not about the difference between JTV and Standard?


Yes, I recall just fine. I also recall that part of the discussion was the age of the current Variax product line, and how that likely factors into the lack of ongoing support. You brought up the Standard as the more recent release, as if that somehow distinguishes it from the rest of the current lineup. However, as far as the electronics are concerned, they're the same thing, so a comment on their differences, or rather the lack thereof, is relevant to the conversation.



I'm inquiring when Line 6 plans to update the software for their product line to the last two releases of macOS, and the only answer I've gotten so far is to check the Downloads page (which I've obviously done).


Yeah I get it... and you can ask the same question as many times as you like, but you won't get an answer. L6  doesn't announce release dates for things, I suspect to avoid the inevitable avalanche of whining should they miss the goal. But whatever the reason, they don't publicize specific release dates, period.


Then there's the fact that this is a user forum... hardly anyone "official" who actually knows the answer to your question frequents this place, and even those who do aren't gonna divulge anything they're not permitted to... and the rest of us either have no inside knowledge of what's coming or when, or they (various beta testers who hang around in here) are similarly forbidden from divulging anything. In the end, all anyone can do is guess.

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