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A cheat sheet, FW 3.60 - Amps and Effects...


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Just updated my Helix LT and went through all the new stuff in this amazing update. The weekend is saved… So figured that I make an update to my Cheat Sheet, Line6 Helix Model Summary, and hope it can be of any use for you. This version incl the 3.15 update - Amps, cabs, mics and effects are listed in order of appearance on the unit. Have also corrected some minor errors and mistyping found in previous version.

On the new added models, I don’t have any info about input impedance, so they are marked TBD for now. Also, I'm not sure  on some of the effects. It looks like some effects are mono in and stereo out… I got aware on this when investigating Ben Vesco’s site. Will make an update later when I find more info.

Download from my Dropbox (pdf-format) - Helix-Model Summary%2C 3%2C15-01x.pdf?dl=0

Have fun


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  • 4 months later...

Thanks so much for your response… I’m glad it can be of any help :-)

It also reminds me that I corrected a few things – some new labels were misplaced, spelling etc. So, attach a better version with hopefully more accurate data… Helix-Model Summary%2C P3%2C15-05x.pdf?dl=0


As we already speaking about this pdf… This format will be hard to maintain in the long run with all good new stuff coming in 3.20 and probably not end there. It outgrows the pdf-format and I start to think of moving it into MS Excel (it’s already there but I have more stuff in there that is not exposed today and would clutter up the pdf so much it would be hard to read it).


My straight questions without make this to a long story is - I have an MS Excel version running a bunch of micros/VB scrips presenting, all info there is today and also adds DSP per selected amp’s/effect’s per path, has fail control if you end outside design limits (eg DSP limit per path, more than two amps in an path etc.), can clear a config, can name and store a config, different way to search amps and effects, can print a similar printout as today etc. Is it perfect? No, but maybe it can be… :-). But - 

  • Is this format of interest at all? Or, is the pdf preferred as is today.
  • Have tried it on MS Excel 365, MS Excel for OneDrive and Google Sheets. Best outcome was MS Excel 365. MS Excel on OneDrive has a few limitation (can’t get VB scrips to run) so some functionality will be lost (eg to clear multiple entries). Google Sheets does not work as is today. 
    So, my main path now is to use MS Excel 365 and local installation/office as platform. Will you see this as a major disadvantage/not usable?
  • If I clean this up, any interest to test it (running on Windows, not tested on Mac)? If there is interest for it, I publish a working beta on this forum.

The MS Excel version vill be published as free as the pdf-version.


As a sneak peak I add a screen shot (jpg-file) of the interface… no need to be gentle on the feedback :-) - Helix-Models and DSP Summary-P3-3.15-02.jpg?dl=0


Take care...


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@PerS - the sneak peak looks good to me. I agree, it would indeed be difficult to maintain updates using PDF, and Excel makes a lot of sense.


I run Excel (and Numbers) on Mac, so would be happy to take your beta file on a quick spin and see if its working OK for me.

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On 6/30/2022 at 4:50 PM, PerS said:

As we already speaking about this pdf… This format will be hard to maintain in the long run with all good new stuff coming in 3.20 and probably not end there. It outgrows the pdf-format and I start to think of moving it into MS Excel (it’s already there but I have more stuff in there that is not exposed today and would clutter up the pdf so much it would be hard to read it).


Technically speaking, PDF is not a format to "maintain" in the first place. You do whatever you want to do in an app of your choice, and then you export the result as PDF to share it with others. ("PDF" means "Portable Document Format", hint hint… ;)

Also to keep in mind:

  • a PDF doesn't need to be in a printable size like DIN A4 portrait. A PDF can also be something like 100 × 100 cm if you wish; I don't remember off the top of my head what the technical size limit is, but it's definitely meters.
  • If you need more columns while still keeping it a printable size like DIN A4, simply export as landscape orientation.
  • If you have data in there that you don't want to export, I'd expect that Excel allows you to exclude rows/columns/cells that should remain hidden on export.

But I guess you're aware of all that. :)


On 6/30/2022 at 4:50 PM, PerS said:

Is this format of interest at all?


I haven't used Excel since about two decades, and they will pry my from the ancient Apple iWork '09 suite from my cold, dead hands, haha…

So anything that this "antique" version of Numbers can import might be of interest for me, but that definitely excludes macros, scripts, or other too fancy functions.


Other than that, thanks again for your effort!

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On 6/30/2022 at 3:50 PM, PerS said:

The MS Excel version vill be published as free as the pdf-version.



You can always continue to update the “live” version of your spreadsheet in Excel, but you also have the option to then export that file as a pdf.


That should keep everyone happy! Yay!


Hope this helps/makes sense.





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Thanks so much for your feedback. I clean the Excel version up and publish it here when done. 

I'm gone fishing this week but be back next... :-)


Some notes -

- The pdf is an export from Excel already today. The updates is made and formated in Excel and exported to pdf. A very hands on interface. The base in the new version is "just" a new formating of the data to be presented on  screen and added functions (don with micros and VB scripts) to be simple to use, I hope...


-  In the new version it's possible to print the base data as today. Will see if I can make this better. Challange to have a dynamic page layout is that headlines are different in different sections and the tables will reach over multiple pages. Have no solution to make it more dynamic at this point, other then manuaI formating. Anorher problem in dynamic formating is font size and readability, to small make it useless. A problem already today... Don't think makeing the pdf formated in landscape is doable, will be to many pages, but I check. 


- Micros and fansy scripts - I'm afraid that this has to be included to make this user oriented. This also made me chose platform as there is no/poor compability in between (micros/script). I have used Excel for the last 20 years so it made the choice easy... But there is always pdf ;-]


Fix this next week...



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On 7/5/2022 at 9:44 PM, PerS said:

Challange to have a dynamic page layout is that headlines are different in different sections and the tables will reach over multiple pages. Have no solution to make it more dynamic at this point, other then manuaI formating. Anorher problem in dynamic formating is font size and readability, to small make it useless.


At this amount of data, I likely would have moved them from a spreadsheet – which usually seems to be the first "best" choice for "small'n'easy" tables – to a proper database app, in my case FileMaker Pro. That step then completely separates the data from their appearance; i.e. first you make sure the data and all formulas and functions are correct without having to worry how the records look like; then you can create zillions of different layouts how to display the same set – or a subset – of records for various needs and situations.

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Hi lou-kash

You are absolutly right, db is much better to do this. But, I'm better in programing Excel :-). And I used some new features that I hadn't tested before, so I challanged my Excel skills.

And, in the end I would probably run into the same problem, distribution and a intuitive user interface.

When I started this Cheat Sheet the goal was to have a print out with the most impotant info in an easy to read format. Today I do the same but use the electonic version. So, for me Excel is not a big step, but understand this is a challange for many. That's why I ask the question...


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  • 3 weeks later...


So back from fishing and bin working on my tool. So here we go... A bit late but was running into an error message I couldn't kill at first, now it's fixed (I hope). 


To make this short - It's the former "Cheat Sheet/Helix Modell Summery" I made in pdf format and is now transferred into a more functional MS Excel-version. In the Excel file there is a more detailed read me tab, that’s the long story... (incl a quick start and description of known limitation).


You need a not to old version of standard MS Excel package or Office 365 installed on your PC (i think Mac will work too). You have to enable micros on your computer, there is some VBA involved.

Google Docs and OneDrive Office apps do not work. I will check how much work there is to transfer this to other platforms. Google Docks will probably need rewriting and MS OneDrive Apps did not like VBA... I'll be back on this (feel free to suggest spread sheet platform of your choice).


Feel free to try. Appreciate comments and suggestions. 


Link to file via my Dropbox - Helix-Model and DSP Summary%2C P3%2C15-06.xlsm?dl=0




Edited by PerS
Reloaded the XL-file and used my Dropbox
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  • 1 month later...

Hi davegoodfellow, and thanks for the reply.


Just of curiosity, did you use the pdf-version I posted June 30 or the MS Excel version posted July 27? If you use the Excel version I would appreciate feedback, good/bad/suggestions, as I’m finishing up next version.  



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Hey PerS,

On 9/4/2022 at 3:08 AM, PerS said:

Just of curiosity, did you use the pdf-version I posted June 30 or the MS Excel version posted July 27? If you use the Excel version I would appreciate feedback, good/bad/suggestions, as I’m finishing up next version.


This is a great resource.  Thanks for your work on it!  I actually like a pdf because it has a cleaner look and feel to it, but the Excel version obviously adds some functionality.  A couple of things on the Excel document:


On your headings within the body of the document, Wah and Volume have typos.


Next to the search box at the top you have "Typ" instead of "Type"


When clicking on the heading links under "Content," some of them jump to where the heading within the document is at the top of the window with the beginning of the list following, and some jump to the bottom of the window requiring the user to scroll up to get to the list.  It would be nice if these were consistent.


If you continue the pdf version, a table of contents like you have in the Excel version would be helpful.


The documents would be easier to use if the models in each section were alphabetized.   

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Hi joeplaysguitar2, thanks for the replay and good feedback.

He he, you hit some of the parts that is still “under investigation”… except for typos, those just happened :-).
Clicking on links under “Content” – This is an Excel behavior and at this moment I do not have a solution for this. I have set a “flag” that was supposed to scroll to the next headline. It do this different if you search from top down or if you are further down and click on a link scrolling up (then it stop correct). I will look into that, it’s annoying, agree. I guess I will have to do a VB hack on this.

Content in pdf-version – Another technical issue in Excel (the pdf document is an extract from a Excel sheet). Excel allow external links/links to other sites. It does not support internal links/links to internal references in the pdf document. There is a solution with a third-party application, I will check on that and see if it’s doable. What I could do is just a content with page references, no clickable links.

Alphabetic order – That was a decision I took early. I let the sort order be “in order of appearance on the Helix”. Sitting with Hx Edit and looking at eg the amps it was easier to find the correct one as the sort order was the same. Also, when looking up the generic name in the pdf it was easier to relate where the L6-name were located in Hx Edit. That’s the reason. In the Excel version I guess it could be possible to change that… I check it. To find things quick, that is what the search box is for (use the search box or “Ctrl+F and type L6 name or vendor name, whole name or part)…


As I wrote before, reason that I made the Excel-version, it was hard to manage the growing content in the pdf format. From the start there was 4 pages with gear. With smaller fonts there is 6 pages today. Next update will make it unreadable :-)

I have a new version “on the move”. It contains a reset button per group in addition to the main reset and some small fixes. It also includes the printable version of the pdf-format. Will see if It’s possible to find a combo and a more scalable formatting. 



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Hi  MusicLaw, thanks for the reply


Yes, agree, it's more handy. Most likly I will produce both. Have alredy moved that printformat to be part of the excel version, then I can export the pdf at the same time and have one Excel to update.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi SushiGradeFunk
Short answer is no, I have not updated the DSP/Excel version to 3.5. Longer answer, I made some function updates, like being able to do reset per group of amps and effects, but I could not fix some other issues (like sort order and when clicking on a link under “Content” to land on the same spot in a section). When 3.50 came it added another problem, data structure. Suddenly there was a new dimension/relation, new cabs and IR blocks. 


I have not given up making the Excel version, but I will have to rethink a few things. Made an update in the PDF-version (based on Excel too) to be found here, on my Dropbox - Helix-Model Summary%2C 3.50d.pdf?dl=0.
It’s based on the changes in HX Edit 3.51, some name changes/corrections and a mic that was missing. I also changed the formatting to landscape and added DSP values for amps, cabs and effects. More pages but also more info…


I had to redo the database to make this one but did that to be reused in the DSP/Excel version. So, I need to Transfer/redo the presentation layer and its logic… As you so kindly ask for it, I will try to make it happen :-). At this point no promise when, but soon… :-)


In mean time, please try the PDF and let me know if its usable (maybe even enough, don’t need the DSP/Excel version… :-).



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@TLF2007 – Both the pdf and Excel versions are based on Ben Vesco’s data. Ben has done a great job on this.

@MGW-Alberta – I probably interpret this wrong (English is not my native :-) “much of the functionality of the spreadsheet is unavailable in Numbers…”. Please correct me if I’m wrong. With that risk – Both the pdf and Excel version contain/based on the same numbers/data but in slightly different format. In Excel the focus is to calculate the DSP per Path, incl a dynamic check of the DSP/configurations roles (eg number of amps, CAB/IR configuration, number of Poly/looper devices). DSP are approximated in column “I”, found it handy as I could do “quick calc” before entering my choices. On top of the page you see how much DSP is used/left. Also have a quick view (red/green) that the config is inside the design guidelines. 


The pdf version is more of a summary of info that is available/have found in different places. To me it was important to have access to some info when dial in presets without having to open the manual or searching different sits/sources (in both documents I have listed my general sources, from where I have stolen most of the info). Is it complete… no, but cover most what I need, and include requests I got from other users. Feel free to add more requests… :-).


So, a quick explanation of some of my abbreviations and remarks I use.

  • “*” – Some effects have a mono input and a stereo output. Eg some legacy modulation effects. Described in some old POD effect manuals and in Ben Vesco’s DSP page.
  • “**” – Marks devices where I haven’t been able to find the input impedance of the device from a reliable source.
    Some documents/info is old or is missing as its a new device added, I have either marked it TBA (to be announced/answered) or I have tried to find the answer myself (marked **). TBA I can’t find an answer and in "**" I have dug it up from manufacturer, schematic, published info etc.  
  • “***” – It’s related to amps. In my first version of this I tried to add all default values of the knobs, not doable... So instead, I marked witch main nob that was missing, eg all “Brit” has "no" Master, meaning the Master in the amp should be default at 100%, in most cases. 
    Use “CTRL + click” on slider and you get the default value.     
  • LMS – Stands for Legacy, Mono and Stereo and it will tell if the device is a legacy product and how it support mono/stereo and where they will be found on the Helix.
  • Imp – Please find the explanation under “**” above.
  • DSP – Its not the absolute load on the DSP. It’s the relative load available in a path when other jobs/loads that the DSP do is subtracted. So an empty preset is 100% and each device added occupies a part of that available power. Added to that, is the design roles, that is other resources used, eg memory being used. Eg reason why you cann't have two new double IR blocks even if the DSP load is much lower.  Ben Vesco explain this on his page as a remarker and in the video at the bottom of the page - 

In the 3.50 of the pdf versions, I added a column of markers due to the complexity with amps and old/new cab’s and mic’s. They have three “stages” – Legacy (L) (eg 57 Dynamic and 1x US Princess), New (N) (eg 906 Dynamic, 4x12 MOO)))N T75) or Updated (!) (eg 57 Dynamic and 1x US Princess). Eg 57 Dynamic and 1x US Princess exist both as legacy and updated, all with the same name. I made the marker red to visualize it better. In future updates I will remove “N” and “!” from corresponding device in this version (3.50) and add them to the ones that are new/updated in next release. The “L” will still be there and be added to those moving to legacy. On effects there is a “double marking” on legacy effects, both in LMS column and “L-N-!” column, “L” will be removed in LMS column.

So your question was probably much simpler and I overdid it… didn’t I :-)


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On 1/6/2023 at 7:01 AM, PerS said:


@MGW-Alberta – I probably interpret this wrong (English is not my native :-) “much of the functionality of the spreadsheet is unavailable in Numbers…”. ….

I believe MGW-Alberta is referring to the iOS app called Numbers. It is the iOS version of Excel and it seems some Excel features and/or data are unavailable or not being translated properly into Numbers. Nothing you can do about that.

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Hi Silverhead


Ah, in other words, my answer was too long and to detailed... :-)


That’s a problem. I did some testing with MS cloud app on OneDrive and with my Android Excel app, didn’t work. Main problem is micros, there is some VB scrips in there. Some formulas didn’t look so happy either. Made a test against some other “compatible” apps with no luck. Have not tested any IOS apps but that’s no surprise.


Thanks to clarify it to me, makes more sense now :-)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi SushiGradeFunk, thanks a lot. 
I guess it’s the Excel-version you have tested. If so I think I can have some good news (if not, this will be a long answer ;-) … except for one thing I have updated the Excel-version to Hx v3.50. 

  • It will be possible to reset configurations per group of Amps, Cabs/IR and Effects and it counts the number of blocks per path and give a warning greater than 16.
  • Have included the possibility to print out the earlier published pdf/Cheat Sheet. It’s under a separate tab and ready to be printed (will still publish the pdf-version). With some luck it will also be possibility to format the print to your own format… 
  • When selecting Pre-Amps and Amps there will, at this point, be no choice to select “+Cabs”. It’s a bit tricky to configure with the new cabs/legacy Cabs and get it to make sense. So, in summary, you select Amp and then your choice of Cab's/IR’s (on the Helix it's your choice to pick an Amp thats includes a Cab or not, DSP-calculation is the same).

I tried to fix how the “Content” menu presents the selected links but haven’t found a solution on that yet. So, for now the headline will end up on top or bottom of page depending on where on the page you are…


The thing left to fix is how to get control over the Cab and IR configuration. Yes, they consume less DSP (eg 3.3% vs 9,6 for single cabs etc.), but they consume at least as much resources in total (DSP + memory +?) as the old Cab’s. What confuses me is that the 3.51 Pilot guide says 2 Single Cab’s or 1 Dual Cab in one path. If that was true, this would be easy. But, I made some test configurations and in one path I had no problem to add 1x Amp + 3x Single Cab/new + 1x Single Cab/leg. I could also make 1x Amp + 4x Single Cab/leg in one single path. That's not what the manual says (at least not on my broken English...). A workaround might be to just “hint” that Cab/IR’s might be out of limit (based on what’s in the 3.51 Pilot guide/page 5 (in the table and first remark below table) and page 35/36. But what's the fun in that... 


Will do some more testing and finish it up “soon”. 

Edited by PerS
Take back this statement for now. Have to go back en revise the combos again, might have done something wrong on those ones... unlikely but it happens:-)
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  • 1 month later...


Don’t know how smart it is to update an old thread but here we go…


I finally finished my Cheat Sheet DSP Summery and you can download it, as before, in pdf-format or now also in MS-Excel format. In short:

  • Both versions include changes up to v3.51 (could not find anything affecting this in v3.52).
  • Pdf-version is preformatted in A4 paper size. To show on screen it’s probably OK. To print, it can be scaled (depending on the pdf reader) to other formats.
  • Excel version – There are a few enhancements from earlier polished beta in here.
    • It includes “the master” for the pdf version (“Helix-Model Summary 3.50” tab), meaning it’s the Excel version of it and it can be formatted for printing in the choice of your own, just use the page setup in Excel. There is limitation at this point but a step forward, I hope…
    • “Helix-Model DSP Summary 3.50” tab – Is the DSP calculator. Contains the same info as the pdf-version (same database) and adds possibility to do DSP-calculation.
    • New cabs – Gave me some trouble as the combinations are both as the table on page 5 in the 3.50 Pilot Guide and as the note (*) below the table. To transform this into rules took some time. By combining the rules and making a DSP model of old/new/cab’s/ir’s I think I covered all combinations. Conclusion is that the new cab’s and IR blocks use less DSP but they really heavy on resources (DSP, memory…). Too long to explain here but can do if there’s interest. But, I bet you find a combo I haven’t tried… if so let me know.
    • Reset configuration – You can now reset the whole sheet in one button or per group per path.
    • Error handling – If you select anything outside design rules or DSP you get a warning, and it will be marked on the sheet. Doesn’t stop you from entering, just a warning.
  • Search in Excel and pdf-version – in both versions you can search content by CTRL+F (windows and English) and then press next until you find it. In the Excel-version/”Helix-Model DSP Summary 3.50” tab you have a search box where you type the name (whole/part) and scroll down. The hits will be marked orange.
    I have kept the sort order of Amps and Effects “by appearance in the Helix” with the reasons its easier to find related to the Helix, some want it sort by L6-name and some original, the search function works, and it was complicated to implement as a “customization” feature. Will look into it later.
  • The Excel file is in micro format (.xlsm) meaning when opening the file, you will probably be prompted to accept macros. Accept it if you feel safe with it.
  • You need a not too old version of standard MS Excel package or Office 365 installed on your PC (think Mac works too) and micros activated. Numbers/Open Office/LibreOffice/WPS office etc. will have no/limited support and the same with Microsoft and Google cloud tools (no/limited support for MS micros/VBA).

There is a “Read Me” tab in the Excel file with some more info.


The link to the files on my Dropbox

Feel free to try/use it. Appreciate comments and suggestions (that’s the basis for improvements).

Have fun…



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Thanks for this. In terms of updating the thread, you may now want to update the title for firmware v3.51. As you note, there’s no change required for v3.52 because it’s only an HX Edit release; there’s no firmware beyond v3.50. Later versions apply only to  HX Edit. For instance, v3.52 fixed the bug re: SD card causing HX Edit to fail to launch.

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  • PerS changed the title to A cheat sheet, FW 3.50 - Amps and Effects...

Hi Silverhead


I think we did this at the same time :-). I updated headline to FW 3.50. I was not that clear on 3.51 and 3.52, I meant Edit 3.51 and 3.52. But in 3.51 there were some changes that affected presentation in Edit, e.g. spellings, 30 Dynamic mic, removing 1x12 Fanny Pac :-) etc. Think it were abt 10 changes. If working direct on Helix you probably didn't see them. I work mostly in Edit so that was my reference. 


Anyway, thanks so much for the feedback

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The DSP data are from Ben Vesco's web site and I have given him and others cred's for theire fantastic work. It's in page 11 in the pdf. This document is a print from the Excel sheet, so the same is in there. I notist that the text in the blue headline where missing... "Who made this possible...". Wiĺ correct this in a future update.



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  • 4 months later...

Hi stelios12
Thanks, much appreciated... Glad you liked it and have use for it. 

I published an update in another/new thread, add it to this thread too. It includes the 3.60 update. The difference in this update of the document is that I hade to calculate the DSP values myself… Earlier I have relied on Ben Vesco :-), now I hade to steal his method to get the DSP values. Checked the values on some guys on TGP and we got very close results, so we should be close. 

New is also that the cheat sheet has also been implemented in an MS Excel version where you can make DSP calculations and make customized print of the cheat sheet. It's limited to Microsoft version as it contains micros. 


Here’s the links for both downloads.
•    PDF version -
•    Excel version -


Hope it’s its of use…

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  • PerS changed the title to A cheat sheet, FW 3.60 - Amps and Effects...

I can absolutely add those links to the sheet in the next update. It has been a while since I checked them out and had a quick look at them just a minute ago. My quick reflection on them is/was:

  • It would been nice if, at least the last three, added DSP usage to the preset. As it is a preset created in Helix/HX it will be working/be in the limits, but you have no idea how much DSP there is left. If you know that it was eg 12% left, and need to add an EQ, you know it will fit. If you check the Cheat Sheet, you can also see that you can eg add 50% of the Dist pedals, at least if you don’t use stereo :-).  
  • My comment om the individual ones.
    • - Don’t understand this one… why would I like to know in what release an amp/effect was added and see a pic of it? It would be a simple solution to link to Helix Help, Fluid Solo and/or Ben Vesco for additional info. Seen many referring to this site so it probably fill a need.
    • - Its OK when it will be updated with the 3.60.  At least it could not view my Grammatico preset correctly.   
    • - This is my favorite. Perfect to check that all commands are there and working/see that the behavior is as expected. 
    • - This is OK, very clear view of the settings in each block. Not as good visualization as the previous one.

The reason I made the links in my document to Ben Vesco, Presonid, Fluid Solo and Helix Help was that I used those sites to verify and, in some cases, found info I needed in the Cheat Sheet. Just as a curtesy to the ones done the heavy job. Remember the Cheat Sheet was lazy me who needed a one stop source to info I otherwise hade to find in different locations. The DSP Excel sheet was a combo of me having DSP problems with some presets, found Ben Vesco's site and Excel programming is quite fun... The Cheat Sheet/pdf sheet is actually a print out from the the DSP calculator/Excel file, it's one of the tabs. 


That said, I will add the above links as a source to more useful information/tools. Thanks for the input Schmalle, and sorry for my rambling :-) 



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