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Global Assignment of an FX to a Footswitch?


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I have an FBV3 pedalboard connected to a HD PRO X effects processor. I see that individual FXs are assigned to different FS footswitches, depending on the particular preset. Put another way, depending on which preset is being used, different footswitches have to be stomped to turn on / off or control for example the distortion effect. I would rather have a global FS assignment across all presets, that for example could say that the Distortion effect is ALWAYS controlled by for example footswitch FS4. That way I could label the FBV3 footswitches with the FX effects each switch would always control - seems reasonable and a lot easier in a live situation. Is this possible? Am I missing something here? 

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On 12/26/2022 at 4:35 AM, MVas2 said:

I would rather have a global FS assignment across all presets, that for example could say that the Distortion effect is ALWAYS controlled by for example footswitch FS4. That way I could label the FBV3 footswitches with the FX effects each switch would always control - seems reasonable and a lot easier in a live situation. Is this possible? Am I missing something here?


It is not possible to assign footswitches globally in the same way for all presets, they can be assigned only for each individual preset.
So you have to arm yourself with patience and edit every single preset you have as you like, it's pretty easy to do using the editor.


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