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Variax is no longer sustaining notes


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Have enjoyed my Variax as a nice complement to my recording efforts. A few months ago (the guitar is under a year old), it suddenly stopped sustaining notes. It also sometimes doesn't make a sound if I play too lightly. It will essentially hold a note for a couple of seconds then cold stop. I have no idea what's going on. I've tried changing batteries, tried all presets, etc., nothing seems to be allowing me a sustained note. On some settings the sound will last slightly longer than others, but that's basically it. Never had this problem the first few months that I owned this thing. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

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On 2/9/2023 at 4:48 PM, Swansuite said:

Have enjoyed my Variax as a nice complement to my recording efforts. A few months ago (the guitar is under a year old), it suddenly stopped sustaining notes. It also sometimes doesn't make a sound if I play too lightly. It will essentially hold a note for a couple of seconds then cold stop. I have no idea what's going on. I've tried changing batteries, tried all presets, etc., nothing seems to be allowing me a sustained note. On some settings the sound will last slightly longer than others, but that's basically it. Never had this problem the first few months that I owned this thing. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!


Is the sustain issue present when using the mag pickups as well as the modeling? Do notes ring out normally if you're not plugged into anything? If not, then you have a set-up issue, likely requiring adjusting the action, and/or neck relief.

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On 2/9/2023 at 10:48 PM, Swansuite said:

stopped sustaining notes. It also sometimes doesn't make a sound if I play too lightly. It will essentially hold a note for a couple of seconds then cold stop. I have no idea what's going on. I've tried changing batteries, tried all presets, etc., nothing seems to be allowing me a sustained note. On some settings the sound will last slightly longer than others


..also.. if by chance there is a noise gate fx in your chain the problem could depend also on its setting, if so turn it off or set its threshold to a more appropriate value to allow the notes to have a natural sustain



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