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I screwed up... I think?


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Updated Helix Floor - followed the usual process - HX Edit update>Backup>Helix Update>Factory reset (9+10).

Lost all the new cabs, including the 3.50 cabs.


suspect the factory reset wiped them?


So, ran firmware update again, through the Line 6 updater. Still no new cabs.


Anyone got any suggestions to get the cabs - I know, I'll still have the 3.50s in the backup. It's the new ones I'm scratching my head about.



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Thanks for the reply.

After I posted, I tried taking the firmware back to v3.15, then updated to 3.5 - both through the L6 Updater - and then updated to 3.60 via HX Edit, without doing the full reset.

That seems to have fixed it.


Hope this helps anyone else if they're in the same situation.



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Do you see new cabs on the Helix itself, like if you try to add a block on the physical Helix and go to the cabs location ?  If you do but do not see them in HX edit on the computer, your Hx edit version is old. There’s a pinned post about it in the forum.  

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It's there on mine so I assume so.  I updated two Helix Floor units both just using the HXEdit update process and both went smooth as silk and I'm not missing anything.  That makes me think you must have something going on either through your USB connection or Internet connection that's disrupting the process.

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LMAO. I don't know what's going on, maybe it's haunted?

Since I last posted, I've used the Helix, whilst connected to HX Edit, and all is present and correct, AFAIK.


Unless it bursts in to flames, I'll assume all is good, and leave it at that.


Witha bit of luck, 3.7 won't be too far away and this will just be a funny story for the grandkids.

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