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Spider IV HD150 intermittent issue turns on and off

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Hello I've been experiencing intermittent issues with my Spider IV HD150 recently. I don't use the amp for shows or at high volumes so I don't understand how I came across this problem. Been doing research and apparently it could be the DSP chip in the main board overheating? But I don't understand how that's possible if I'm just using it for bedroom projects and practice? It's updated to the latest firmware and I checked the cables and everything looks good. I even switched out guitars thinking that would solve it but same issue. Could it be the weather causing this? I live in socal and it has been getting extremely humid and hot recently. Could it just be wear because of how old the amp is?


I know you're not supposed to service these amps yourself but I'm just curious what causes the problem and if there's any way I can prevent something from my end.


Any help and guidance is appreciated thank you. 

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"... apparently it could be the DSP chip in the main board overheating ?", that is one of the things it could be.


"... don't understand how that's possible if I'm just using it for bedroom projects and practice ? ", clock rate and

data rates generate current, and that dissipates heat.


No, weather would not affect that.


Being that there is a heat sink on the processor board, and it is a 15+ year old product, then it could be

intermittent solder point(s), or intermittent connecting cable to the front controls.


Either way, it should be taken to a Line 6 authorized service center and have their tech check it out and determine

what the cause is. They would have experience with our product.



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