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Helix receiving MIDI controller?


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Hi all, using Helix floor with Logic Pro I see that Logic sends out a bunch of reset messages when opening a new project. These are received by the Helix, and it turns out that controller 1 affects volume in the Helix, which makes sense as it is typically used for 'Expression'. The result is the Helix is muted - which is remedied by touching the expression pedal. So the question is - where in the Helix can this be edited so specific incoming controllers can be 'blocked' or redirected? And can this be set up per patch? Or is it just global settings/disable MIDI IN? Any thoughts? TIA

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You can't prevent Helix from reacting to the reserved MIDI CC messages other than in the Global settings MIDI. No re-mapping either.


Since Logic is the root of this you should solve it there.Try to prevent it from sending initial CC#1 messages or tweak it to send CC#1=127 or add a MIDI CC#1=127 at the start of the project.

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Thanks - thought so - I can change Settings in Logic Pro so it doesn't send, but this is a global change for all projects and all other gear so was hoping the Helix could be a bit more granular. Oh well - maybe Helix 2? ;)

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Set your Helix to a specific midi channel... then make sure Logic is not sending on ALL channels. If you lock LOGIC down to a default of channel 1, and the Helix to Channel 2... the Helix will never hear any of those messages. 


NEXT: If you want to send a message to Helix from Logic, send that specific message on CHANNEL 2 (or whatever channel you set the Helix to)! 


Most people forget (or don't realize) MIDI has 16 channels. Keep your devices separate and make the instructions very detailed. That prevents unpredictable results! 

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