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I still waiting Jazz Chorus :(


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the pod HD's clearly focus on tube amps....

and the JC120 has been requested since it's release about 4 years ago....

i'm 100% positive they are aware of the demand for the model and it hasn't happened yet...

I would assume that it's not a high priority and may never happen.

but head to their idealscale site and request it:

that's the way to be heard.


when Line6 give us the amp jazz Chorus?

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If a particular amp model hasn't shown up on the HD series by now, it's a good bet that it will not ever show up.  That said, make your requests know on ideascale.  Perhaps they'll add them to the next generation of PODs.

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Just going by history.  Line 6 releases a new model every 3-4 years.  The HD x series was a face lift, mostly because they could no longer get all of the parts for the HD and were forced into a new series of the same thing.  I could be wrong, but the HD and HDx series is old enough that I think we'll see a new product before seeing new models.

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yeah the chorus for the jazz chorus is what made it popular.


I agree a blackface or even better the fliptop and chorus.


The HD'd Choruses and Flangers have never floated my boat and I have tried plenty to make them sound good.

In the mix 10 to 30% is adequate as a chorus but nothing to write home about. 

I might reexamine in EDIT mode rather than the unit itself in the hope I can get a chorus to die for

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As a player who plays a good amount of clean jazz gigs I would like to have that one in my HD500 but don't think it will happen.I keep a used Boss GT10 around for those kinds of tones.I typically don't use my Line 6 stuff(M13/POD 2.0/HD500) for jazz gigs.If you have a good clean tube amp(Fender BDRI/HRDLX/Twin etc...) you can get close by just using POD effects and no amp modelling in a patch. I have done this and it works well.


Good Luck!

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I'd lay money on the fact that the HD won't get any more updates as far as new models are concerned.

Geez, I'm still hoping for an update to fix the silly EQ's and their definitions. ;)


Something I've seriously thought about is...


Breaking out my POD XT Live... as it had some good clean amps (Fender Twin?) in there.

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I think the HD internal amp numbering scheme can handle 3 more amp models. Whether they fill it or whether they even have Flash space for more model code is a different story altogether. I am also in the boat of guessing that a new HD product is more likely than a significant FW update.

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I wouldn't particularly buy a POD 2.0 just for that one amp. I happen to be a very happy owner of one, though. Since the HD500 purchase, it has seen little duty. I will pull it out sometimes just for nostalgia. LOL!

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I'm just curious if they are planning on modeling any more amps. I wish they would at least tell us if they are or if these are all the amps we'll be getting. Not that I expect anymore or feel they have an obligation to do so. But some of the most requested amps would be fun/nice. At least change the EQ percentage thing. I do expect at least one more update addressing that.

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For me personally there would be much more important things for a new POD Series to add. I'm using 3-4 Amp models over an over again - just not intersted in the other models.


Some things I'd like to see if a new series comes out are:

- Posibility for Reamping as it was in the X3

- Phantom Power in the pedal version

- better equilization

- better editor software

- more sensitive tuner


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My concern is I have the first model HD500. Are any more new sims just going to be exclusively HD500X? May be time to do a trade! Including the heavy duty volume pedal, I wonder how much more cash I would have to cough up. LOL

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  • 1 month later...

yeah, HDX line is definitely not EOL.  Unfortunately, the EQ will NOT be getting changed in the HDX line.  They have said however, that they will not make that mistake in future offerings.  I don't expect any changes that involve hardware to this line like different displays, phantom power or new tuner.  Any changes will be strictly software so maybe we get some new amp or effect models at some point.  Again though, I'm not holding my breath...

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There was some hinting on TGP by Digital Igloo (an actual L6 employee) that the HD/HDX stuff is not quite near its EOL, so who knows....the EQ's aren't getting fixed, and I really hope they don't do the same stupid crap in the next one.


Igloo's statement is the only reason I thnk there might be more "stuff" (amps effects ins outs etc.) coming. But it could just mean there is'nt anything new on the new product horizon.

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