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Everything posted by Hendrix35

  1. I have this occasionally too. I believe mine to be a worn usb port. Like I said it only happens occasionally so I really haven't pursued it. I'm guessing you could desolder the old one and repair it yourself but unless it is a gig problem I'm not messing with it. I can't afford a Helix and don't really want anything else unless it is a HD500x which apparently aren't supported anymore. They don't even appear on their products page. I run a lean gaming machine so I trim all unnecessary programs, processes and services pretty short. I think it is a hardware problem. It seems like it is grounding out or something and causing the USB port on my computer to crash. I haven't verified this but it is my theory.
  2. So is the Helix 3 times better than the Pod500X with the DT? Do you have a head or combo? How much is a 25' or 50' midi cable? Is this method reliable? Does it take a lot more programming?
  3. I'm glad I read this. I have a hd500 and I cannot live without the topology recall with my dt50 head. I just saved myself a $1500 cluster****. I will just upgrade to the 500x and I'm sure be very happy. This is a major F U to DT owners Line 6, Shame on you!
  4. Just an update to help others I had my amp serviced and one of the pentode/triode relays was fried and dead shorted. Still don't know if my cab which now has four blown very old vintage speakers caused it or vice-versa but whatever. Does anyone know if one can buy the custom g12h90 speakers that are in the dt 50 cab?
  5. The tubes are original from October of 2013 so I guess that could be it. Also I was checking out my old 4 x 12 cabinet with another amp and something seems to be wrong with it like wires are crossed or something. I looked at the wires inside and nothing seems to be amiss but the cabinet was working fine too until Saturday night could they be related.
  6. So Friday night I played a gig like most other Friday and Saturday nights for the last few months and my DT50/500 rig was singing like a bird. Went to plug it in Saturday and the volume was almost non-existent and I could only hear anything when I turned it all the way up and then it was scratchy. Had to play direct for the entire gig even though I tried it during the breaks and nothing had changed. Just plugged it in tonight (Monday) and still the same thing. I read on here to try through the effects return and get the same result. I usually run the L6 link so I tried just plugging into the front and still have the same result. There is a low hum/buzz as soon as I turn the standby switch to on. I looked and all the tubes seem to be lighting up. I'm really hoping it's not serious I think I'm still under warranty but don't want to be without my beloved head! Tried 25 and 50 watt modes and all topos I can hear the gain change but the volume is still like 10 db at full volume. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
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