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  1. kronda's post in MIDI over USB - tap tempo was marked as the answer   
    Confirmed as bug by Line 6 - Tap Tempo doesn't work over MIDI (both USB and MIDI IN). Should be fixable by firmware update, we just need to wait for it.
  2. kronda's post in Am I missing something? was marked as the answer   
    Cannot check on my Helix at the moment but when you press save and you're choosing destination slot for saving your tone isn't there both preset number/name and setlist number/name there to select? I believe so...
    EDIT: Just checked the manual, it is there (page 16). After pressing Save (once) you get to select both preset (Destination - knob 5) and "sub-group" (Setlist - knob 4). Perhaps "sub-groups"/setlists are just given there (over knob 4) by number, not their name, which is confusing you?
  3. kronda's post in 5150 vs PV Panama was marked as the answer   
    Well, night and day IMHO.
    I'm not standing on the side "digital gear cannot sound good because it doesn't have tubes". I think with correct post-processing, POD HD can sound good, even awesome perhaps (I can improve the sound greatly by EQing and I absolutely don't consider myself a pro). But I don't understand why this processing isn't part of POD HD out of the box, Line 6 pros would be able to beat my processing to dust for sure (different processing would probably be needed for Studio and Live sound which is why I proposed these two output modes could be separated:
    The only reasonable explanation I could think of why POD HD sounds the (thin, harsh...) way out of the box is that it is the real raw recorded sound (amp+cab+mic) without any post-processing but these head-to-head samples showing how vastly different (just plain great) the recorded amp sound is simply making me think this cannot be the explanation. So I'm left with business arguments ("this is what customers without real-amp experience buy the most based on quick auditioning") and purely conspirative theories like "guitar amp producers pay Line 6 so that they make POD HD sound like crap by default" (in that case great job Line 6 for making HD such business success :D)
    I agree that all these comparisons are never really convincing because no one can be sure what post-processing was applied and how the real amp was recorded etc. So I'd love two things:
    1) Line 6 (Digital_Igloo) could tell us - is HD a raw recorded sound with no post-processing or what kind of processing is applied, how loud was the amp when recorded/sampled for modelling etc.
    2) Live (as in physical) meeting of POD HD users in a room with some amps, cabs, mics and POD HD, recording and tweaking and comparing and hearing for themselves what the results are. I'm especially interested in live gig scenario for which (loud) volume is also critical and that is even harder to do online.
    I guess no.1 will never happen (no hard feelings here, business is business) and no.2 is geographically complicated given the (great!) global community here. But anyway... anybody up for a tweaking session in Prague? :)
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