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  1. I repeatedly try to start PODFarm after all of the recent updates, and what was working fine just last week no longer works. All updates and reboots have been completed, but when starting PODFarm the logo disappears and never loads anything after that. Once out of 20+ times it will load PODFarm and show my normal amplifier setup, etc., the equalizer registers volume, etc. but nothing plays out of the speakers, or headphones. I literally JUST recorded a track last week! These software updates and startup problems have been ongoing for over the past 4-5 years, how has Line6 never resolved these issues!? I will never buy another Line6 product. This is not the first time this has happened, and their support is non-existent, just forcing customers to join a forum to complain to each other is not actual support, it's a complete cop-out!
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