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  1. Hi Sascha, Thank you for your reply. I updated my ticket 47989 to Line6 support now. The existing error makes it impossible to continue using the device. If Line6 will not find a solution I m done with them and do a change to Fractal. I will keep you updated. Greetings from "Germoney" too.
  2. Hello All, The Encoder 3 on my Helix LT is not working anymore. It goes only between 2 adjacent values. I don t know since what firmwareupdate this is happen but I guess a firmwareupdate is the reason for. I actually use 3.80. The Test UI says 128-129 only for encoder 3. Changing parameters with HX Edit is possible. They are transmitted to the Helix with in HX Edit choosen settings. But again, with encoder 3 only 2 adjacent values between the "new" settings on the Helix LT are possible. I opened a ticket to Line 6 support and they recommend to reset with button 9/10 etc. It doesn ´t help. Is this happen in a similar case to anyone else?
  3. @Kiwindo50, I m interested in this one too. I have a WBS - pedal steel and for amping I go with a Peavey Nashville 112. I play bassguitar in a band and use at small stages a Helix LT. My pedal steel playing is just for fun. So if there are patches around somewhere I m interestet in it too. Gerhard in Germany
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