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  1. I have a UX2 that I bought new like 10 years ago.   I've never been able to work the thing.  I just recently tried it again and it says I need the license manager.  I CANNOT GET THERE.
    Where the hell is the damn thing?

    Why is it SO hard?

    Do I have to buy this software?   HELP!

    Ableton, cube something, GarageBand, logic, cakewalk, I have NEVER been able to record myself ONE note!
    Not the mic, not guitar, not bass, not MIDI, not with the Roland Handsonic, not with that pod-go, not with pod whatever the other software thing is.       NOTHING!

    I'm losing my mind! 

  2. Flipper124

    POS GO

    I figure before I bring this nightmare back to the store, I would try to see what everyone else on here thinks about the Pod go. I am quickly realizing that I'm just too old to buy stuff like this. This is very frustrating. I watched about a hundred tutorials and I still can't figure any of this out. I still can't even find the software or whatever it is to create the sounds. It's not in support, it's not in software, it's not in custom tones. But I keep seeing sounds to buy. I don't get it. Why aren't the sounds INSIDE the thing? Isn't that what we bought? First things first. Can someone PLEASE tell me how to turn off this god damned blinking red light. It's driving me insane. These companies have SOME balls!! They sell you an expensive box that makes sounds, but if you want all of the sounds that go in there, you have to spend MORE money. Doesn't everyone want everything that's available for it? How much would THAT cost? Are there some kind of cheat codes to figure out what the hell these people are talking about?! The Marshall isn't called Marshall. There are weird cutesy nicknames for everything. If the amps and other stuff aren't called the correct names, how do you find anything?
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