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  1. Thank You ! Can't wait to use it tonight ! this will definitely help and make sense to me ;-) ++ JM
  2. Unfortunately I tried again to update all the sofware Line6 and the HXStomp with the last version but I couldn't get back correctly my setlist when I try to drag in the HXStomp. It's just pure mystery for me at this point... The setlist and backups I made since my problem append are fortunately doing just fine ! If one of you has time to send me back the presets individually that would be great ! Thanks in advance ++ JM
  3. Hi data commando, HonestOpinion and CraigGT, I'm sending in the loop of my external Randall Cab the effects of the HX STOMP that why there is no Amp blocks. There is normally a Cab Blocks in parallel sending a signal to my mixing table. The presets at the end are for my music repetition with my band. I will try tonight (this is actually 15:38 in France) to reinstall my old setlist (I made a new one meanwhile...) and I will give you more informations about this problem as soon as I can. Thanks a lot for your advices and the time you take to solve this problem !
  4. Hi CraigGT Do they all work well! All the block appeared normaly? ++ JM
  5. Thank you for your advices but unfortunately I couldn’t get back my setlist. However I just made a test with a new setlist and it’s now working perfectly. I will take care in the future that both versions between hxstomp and hxedit are the same. ++ JM
  6. Hi, I was using the 3.0.0 version when it happened. I tried later at night with the 3.0.1 version but it didn’t solved my problem either. Was my setlist working on you device? I’m using the 2.81 version of the HX Edit program by the way. ps: Ontario and your entire country is one of my dreaming place to go on my life best regards JM
  7. Hi everyone, I'm trying without success to import my latest setlist backup but only 2 presets, overs the 50 presets I normally saved, are working correctly. The name of all my presets are correct but there's no block inside. Help please ! I don't want to loose my work... I put my setlist file with the post JM HX Stomp-21032021.hls
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