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  1. Awesome, will do. Thanks again for your help!
  2. By the way, the way I have the FS configured on the HD is as follows: FS1, Midi Channel Base, CC Toggle, CC 82, Value 127 FS2, Midi Channel Base, CC Toggle, CC 83, Value 127 etc......
  3. rd2rk, Thanks for the help! You were right about the Edit not working correctly. When I made and saved the changes on the HD, the program changes worked. However, now i'm seeing an interesting behavior. 1. Start HD on Patch 1. 2. Switch to Patch 2. 3. When I switch back to Patch 1, all of the MIDI CC's I have configured are sent during the program change. When switching patches does the HD send all MIDI cc's that are programed regardless of if you've hit the FS? I really appreciate your help! ****************************** ===> MIDI-OX Version: ===> Log Opened: Sat 19-Sep-2015 10:26:08 ===> TIMESTAMP IN PORT STATUS DATA1 DATA2 CHAN NOTE EVENT 518942 11 12 176 82 0 1 --- Control Change rllw> testing midi cc on fs1 519564 11 12 176 82 127 1 --- Control Change 520577 11 12 176 83 0 1 --- Control Change rllw> testing midi cc on fs2 521269 11 12 176 83 127 1 --- Control Change 526185 11 12 192 1 --- 1 --- PC: Brite Acc. Piano rllw> program change to patch 2 526186 11 12 176 80 0 1 --- Control Change 526308 11 12 176 80 0 1 --- Control Change 532790 11 12 192 0 --- 1 --- PC: Acc. Grand Piano rllw> program change to patch 3 532791 11 12 176 82 127 1 --- Control Change rllw> All of these CC messages were sent when I switched to patch 3 532792 11 12 176 83 127 1 --- Control Change 532793 11 12 176 84 127 1 --- CC: Portamento Ctrl 532794 11 12 176 85 127 1 --- Control Change 532795 11 12 176 85 127 1 --- Control Change 532796 11 12 176 87 127 1 --- Control Change 532797 11 12 176 88 127 1 --- Control Change 532798 11 12 176 82 0 1 --- Control Change 532799 11 12 176 85 127 1 --- Control Change 532896 11 12 176 82 127 1 --- Control Change 532897 11 12 176 83 127 1 --- Control Change 532898 11 12 176 84 127 1 --- CC: Portamento Ctrl 532899 11 12 176 85 127 1 --- Control Change 532900 11 12 176 85 127 1 --- Control Change 532901 11 12 176 87 127 1 --- Control Change 532902 11 12 176 88 127 1 --- Control Change 532903 11 12 176 82 0 1 --- Control Change 532904 11 12 176 85 127 1 --- Control Change <=== MIDI-OX Log Closed: Sat 19-Sep-2015 10:27:00 <===
  4. Thanks for the reply, will try in the morning.
  5. I am trying to use the HD500x to send midi CC's to control an RJM effects gizmo. I setup a blank patch (call it Patch 1), and configured pedal 1 to send a CC#82 toggle on midi channel 1 (rjm's channel) with a value of 127. After sending the patch to the HD500x, everything works great. However, if I change programs on HD500x, and go back to Patch 1, the CC's no longer work. I verified the midi is working between the RJM and HD500x, I verified the channel, value, and CC#. It all works again if I send the patch from my laptop back to the HD500x, but, again, as soon as i change patches and go back, the MIDI info never sends. Setup was as follows: HD500x midi out>>>>>RJM EG Midi In>>>>RJM EG Midi Out>>>>Midex08In>>>laptop>>>Midex08out>>>HD500x midi in I was able to successfully see program changes on the EG (program_change1.txt) I was able to successfully turn on and off loops 2 & 3 (cc 82 & 83). When I changed programs, and go back to original program, no longer seeing CC messages out of HD500x. *****************************MIDI OX CAPTURE************* ===> MIDI-OX Version: ===> Log Opened: Fri 18-Sep-2015 16:28:20 ===> TIMESTAMP IN PORT STATUS DATA1 DATA2 CHAN NOTE EVENT 0005B19F 12 12 B0 52 7F 1 --- Control Change rllw> FS1 on HD500x changes RJM EG ch 82 (0x52) 0005B62A 12 12 B0 52 00 1 --- Control Change 0005B9A0 12 12 B0 52 7F 1 --- Control Change 0005BB4C 12 12 B0 52 00 1 --- Control Change 0005BD2D 12 12 B0 52 7F 1 --- Control Change 0005BE97 12 12 B0 52 00 1 --- Control Change 0005C032 12 12 B0 52 7F 1 --- Control Change 0005C191 12 12 B0 52 00 1 --- Control Change 00061989 12 12 B0 53 00 1 --- Control Change rllw> FS2 on HD500x changes RJM EG ch 83 (0x53) 00061B39 12 12 B0 53 7F 1 --- Control Change 00061CCA 12 12 B0 53 00 1 --- Control Change 00061E28 12 12 B0 53 7F 1 --- Control Change 00061F92 12 12 B0 53 00 1 --- Control Change 00062123 12 12 B0 53 7F 1 --- Control Change 00067A47 12 12 C0 01 -- 1 --- PC: Brite Acc. Piano rllw> Program Change up 00067A48 12 12 B0 50 00 1 --- Control Change 00067AD1 12 12 B0 50 00 1 --- Control Change 00068A5C 12 12 B0 00 00 1 --- CC: Bank MSB 00068A5F 12 12 B0 00 00 1 --- CC: Bank MSB 00068A67 12 12 C0 00 -- 1 --- PC: Acc. Grand Piano rllw> Program Change back down <=== MIDI-OX Log Closed: Fri 18-Sep-2015 16:29:29 <=== rllw> MIDI CC's no longer sent from HD500x
  6. The input selector switch on my pod pro broke. Line 6 says the part number is 24-03-0103, however neither they nor full compass have any stock. Does anyone know where I could get additonal details on the part to try to source it somewhere else?
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