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  1. One again a big "Thank You" to @Schmalle and @rd2rk Thanks to your structured informations I was able tp create a Midi-Track in Cubase and enter the needed informations to remote the Helix. This is a big improvement for me (and the band) and make rehearsing and gig´s more easy to me. Thank you! Have a nice Weekend! Viele Grüße Detlef
  2. Thank you @Schmalle and @rd2rk for the for the effort you made to create a midi file for me. I did a test and the file from Schmalle switched my helix to the folder "Templates" to preset 5. That shows me, that I can use it as a template in Reaper - but I have to start working with reaper to get this done. I will also test the file from @rd2rk to see what it can do with the B.beat and the Helix. Many greetings from Germany Det
  3. Thank you @Schmalle and @rd2rk for the for the effort you made to create a midi file for me. I will try out the file today (evening) and then get back to you. I'm looking forward to the test run. Many greetings from Germany Det
  4. I use the M-Live B.Beat Device to play the Backingtracks for our band. Unfortunately, the manual of the B.Beat say´s it supports .mid files but nothing more. In the configuration of the device, you have the option to import and position the .mid file on the songs "timeline" so that the mid file will be used "at the right moment". I have the idea to use this .mid file support to switch to the preset in my setlist in my Helix for the next Song but I am not that MIDI-Power-User to get this done, so I need help to create the needed .mid file. I would be very happy if you could give me some tips.
  5. Hi all, I need urgent help. I want to send a midi file from an external backingtrack Player device to my Helix via a Midi Connection to make a program change. My Helix is listening on channel 2 and I like to send the data in the red square from the screenshot but I dont have any idea how to create an external midi file. I would be really thankful if someone could please show me the way how to do this. Greetings
  6. Thank you for the tipp. I will give it a try with the Beringer HD400.
  7. Hi, I have a new HX Stomp. I connect it with both outputs to the Mixer. When I connect the HX Stomp also to my Laptop using the USB-Cable an unpleasant HISS noise is created. I also own a Helix Floor wich does not create this noise when I connect it the same way. Why is the HX Stomp doing his noise? Please Help!
  8. Ok I am looking for: 9V 1A (1000mA) 2,5 mm Plug center negative? Is that right?
  9. Can I use a Boss PSA 230S with my HX Stomp or is there another power supply that is "proofed" that can be used? I need a second power adapter for the rehearsal room so that i only have to take the HX Stomp with me.
  10. Hi, I have a helix and I plan to buy a HX stomp for rehearsals. Is it possible to transfer a Setlist with all Presets to the HX Stomp? What restrictions are there? Greetings Detgyver
  11. Hello, I'm a new Helix user and I'm looking for a guide that explains how to assign Midi-CC commands to the bottom four footswitches (8-11) to control the Steinberg VSTLive software. I found an older Youtube tutorial, but the instructions shown there do not match the current firmware 3.60.0
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