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Posts posted by mattsteeves

  1. I’m trying to set this scenario up and having trouble figuring it out - but im sure there must be a Ty way (hopefully)


    id like to “audition” a few dozen IRs for a patch. But, instead of bending down and rotating the knob, I’d like to have a switch that cycles through them. So far the only solution I’ve found is using an expression pedal with a range set fairly small and cycling through 10 or so at a time. It’s not ideal because it’s distracting to try and not skip through some. Does anyone know how I might set something like this up?

  2. I’m trying to replicate the sound and effects of the intro of this song. From what I can tell there is a phaser or flange, some reverb, but there is an auto filter effect that sort of gives those “pops” you might be able to hear if you listen to it. I’ve tried every filter effect but can’t seem to nail it. Same goes for the phaser, can’t seem to replicate it close enough for what I’m looking for. Does anyone have suggestions of what I might be able to try?

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