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  1. everything else working fine but the tuner is not , does not seem to be getting signal, but the input is at max. wondering if anyone else has had this problem. thanks.
  2. Just seeing if anyone here is using the violin for this helix lt ? thanks
  3. yes thanks, I found a couple but some do not work on helix.
  4. I am looking to make them for mandolin and violin.
  5. new to all this , I have cubase daw, I get the iimpression you can make your own ir"s looked at some utube stuff, but still seems kind of foggy on the basic idea or irs and how to make them. thank, I have the helix lt . kevn
  6. The adapter right angle does not work with my mando, can I use a flexible male/female adapter without causing problems, like the like becoming a mic or rf antenna and if so is the a length that the impedance would become a problem , looking at 8": max. ? thanks
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