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    Madison, WI
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    Mountain Biking, Playing Bass, Home Recording, IPA's

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  1. I laughed harder at this than I probably should have. LOL! Thanks!
  2. Yeah that IMP2 had no pad switch, and I was hitting with line level gain, so I was probably clipping it...I would have though the sound guy would have caught that? But to be fair, I'm just as much to blame for not knowing my s***. Thanks for the help peeps! Do either of you want to make a suggestion on which of those DI's are better? I mean the ProDI is more around what I'd like to spend, but I certainly can afford the JDI if that Jensen Transformer is that much better? Thanks Again!!
  3. I did look around, but I didn't see any existing threads about this so here goes.... I had a gig a few weeks back, in club I've never played before, well for the first time ever I got a HELL of a ground loop hum, I tried multiple outlets, different cables etc... Fortunately the sound engineer had a spare DI for me (Whirlwind IMP2) , though I'm not sure we ever got me gain staged it possible for me to clip a DI? I think I was... Anyway, I don't EVER want that headache again, so I'm putting a DI directly on my board, it's going to be a basic passive Radial Pro DI, or JDI. My question is...what signal from my HX Stomp do I feed into the DI?? Instrument or Line?? In case it matters, I play bass, single channel so stereo isn't needed. Thanks in advance!
  4. Alright, so I got home to try this...yep it was NOT set to instrument, so I set it that way and gave it a shot, there is certainly an improvement, I've been messing around with it for a while now, and at first I thought I could still hear "something" off...but now I've been doing it long enough that my hearing is getting tired. So, I'll try again tomorrow with "fresh" ears, I'm betting at this point the difference (if any) will be negligible. Thanks for the tip!
  5. Alright I've read a TON of internet info regarding the use of distortion, overdrive, fuzz etc... being used in the effects loops of amps, or in the effects loops of pedals like the Helix products...the overall split seems to be about 50/50 for and against. In my particular use case scenario, I'd like to use my distortion pedal (Idiotbox Blower Box) in the loop of my HX Stomp, because having the ability to move it around inside of the patch is useful for me. So, I created a "test patch" I put my preferred Amp/Cab block at the end, and NOTHING else in the chain, I then listened to my distortion running into the input of the Stomp...sounds great, I love how this distortion pedal "pushes" the Amp/Cab block, it just sounds great to me. So then next I did the same thing, but instead I used the FX loop to insert the distortion pedal into the chain in front of the amp/cab, my inner knob twiddler is telling me these two sounds should basically be the same...but they are not, it isn't even close...I can't exactly describe what I'm hearing, but one thing is certain that with the distortion in the loop, it definitely loses "something" doesn't seem as aggressive maybe? or it's not hitting the amp the same way? What am I missing? The only thing that changes is that with the pedal in front of the Stomp it passes through the input gate, which it doesn't do in the loop, but I can't believe it would be THAT big of a change. Thoughts? Sorry in advance if this has been covered elsewhere here, if it has, I missed the thread.
  6. OK, so I have a technical routing question... I'm a bassist, and my main gigging rig is a Helix LT, I have it setup so the signal exiting through the XLR out (to FOH) has a amp & cab sim, then I have another signal exiting the ¼ out that has everything EXCEPT the amp & cab, that signal goes to my stage amp (when I use one)...I LOVE this setup because it allows me the option to use my actual rig too...there's just "something" about feeling that bass behind me on big stages that I just can't get enough of. So, I have a need to use my HX Stomp for a few shows that have what I would be calling...less than ideal stage real estate at the front of the stage, but have room for a small combo amp in the back. So I'm curios about using the Stomp for this group of shows, but I do use the FX loop in mono [L], so can I split my path and send path [A] with an amp/cab sim to my main output (L) then off to FOH...and then send path B without the amp/cab out of return [R] to my stage amp? I feel like this would work, but my amp is in the gear trailer so I have no way to “real world” test fear is that since I AM using the FX loop even though just mono in [L], that it will still interfere with using the RET [R] as an output the way I'm thinking. Thoughts? Could This Work? Better Suggestions? Thanks in Advance!!
  7. Man, I did a TON of searching on the web for my issue, visited multiple forums (bass & guitar), and yet never came across this info, Thank You!!!
  8. OK, I deleted the .php (it was a pic of the board) These should be the files, hope I did this correctly. SVT-4 Clean.hlxSVT-4 Dirt.hlx
  9. OK Helix/HXS peeps, I'm outta ideas... On my new HX Stomp board I've built 2 presets to use with one of my bands. Preset 1 is my “clean” patch where I use an always on High/Low cut EQ first in chain, and a Amp & Cab at the end with some modulation stuff in the middle assigned to the foot switches. Preset 2 is my “dirtier” patch, what I did was copy/paste preset 1 and then switch the modulation options for OD/Fuzz/Dist options assigned to the foot switches. So basically both presets share the same always on EQ and Amp with cab, and both presets have everything bypassed (unless activated via foot switch) except the above mentioned EQ/Amp/Cab...yet preset 2 is notably louder, it shouldn't be though, it should be the exact level as preset 1, yet I can hear the increase & see the gain increase on both my mixing console & my DAW. I've checked the input (all settings identical), I've checked the output (identical), I've checked all the settings on the EQ/Amp/Cab (all Identical as well). The ONLY difference is preset 2 uses a split path for a synth/dist combo I use, but again those FX are assigned to a FS and bypassed....The split is a “Y” and the mixer is centered with no level boost, and the mixer comes back in before the Amp & Cab blocks. What am I missing??? Thanks in Advance!
  10. I just found the solution! While I'm in "preset 1" load up command center and tell FS5 to load "preset 2", save the preset. Then, when in "preset 2" load up command center and tell FS5 to load "preset 1", save the preset. Now, whenever I hit FS5 it toggles between my two presets!
  11. OK, so just a little back story. I'm typically using a LT as my main gigging rig, but I wanted something smaller for a backup/bedroom practice rig, I'd briefly used my guitar players Stomp (which led to the LT purchase), so I just got my own yesterday. Now, my LT can accommodate my entire "rig" on just one preset, however the Stomp can't, so I've basically set up two presets....Clean/Modulation and Dirty/Modulation, inside of each preset the 3 main stomp buttons are perfect to call up whatever effect I need at the moment. So, I bought a 2 button footswitch with the intent to use FS4 for Tap/Tune and FS5 to toggle between the two presets, the tap/tune was no problem, but setting a FS to toggle between two specific presets eludes me, perhaps it's not possible unless you use midi? Thoughts? Work arounds? Thanks!
  12. You know, I hadn't even thought about using a lowcut filter before the Poly Capo...I imagine if I cut everything below 35Hz or so (so I can still use Drop D), that could possibly really clean up the signal feeding the Poly Capo. I don't transpose up with the Poly Capo, so a highcut block won't be of much use to me...Though I do think I use a highcut on my cab block to tame the "tweeter sizzle" a bit, I'll have to verify that tomorrow when I can back home to my gear. Thank You for the idea!!!
  13. OK, I feel like all I've done is come here and ask questions, and I do really thank those that have helped me, you've made my Helix journey far more manageable, and I've had a great time learning, but I have a LONG way to go. Now I have what may be a very simple question.... I use the Helix LT almost exclusively for bass (some of you probably already know that). I've got everything in my chain, in each patch, gain staged & in the order I like, except 2 things... Comp & Poly Capo. I read in one post you're supposed to have pitch effects first in chain...I've read in some posts comps go first in chain (or last)...and I've read that if you put a comp right before your Poly Capo that it evens out the signal and allows the Poly Capo to track better. To be perfectly honest, I've tried it both ways...and depending what effects I have on after them, seems to make a difference how they perform together, now logic says (to me) that this shouldn't actually matter, yet I swear I hear it. Now, if I run nothing after them, I can't hear a discernable difference between running them one way or the other. So, what have you guys found the best order was (assuming you use a comp). Thanks!
  14. Yeah, that makes sense. I went ahead and ordered it (along with a Reunion Blues dual bass gig bag...been wanting one of them for a while too), both should be here on Thurs, I'll try options in that pocket then. Thanks again!
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