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  1. As a further update, it does not appear to be a "sleep" function (unless there is something that goes to sleep even when the screen is still on). Today I turned on the backing track and continued to use my phone, preventing it from going to sleep. Again, 4-ish minutes later, volume went off, I quickly switched from "headphones" (which is what my phone thinks is connected) to phone speaker, and then back to headphones and it comes right back on for about another 4 minutes.
  2. I'm having a weird issue when I connect my Pixel (6) to the USB and use it to play backing tracks through the amp. Doesn't matter what app I use (Tidal, Spotify, YouTube). Everything works great....for about 4 minutes, then the audio completely cuts out and won't come back on unless I disconnect the phone and plug it back in. Then I get another 4-ish minutes. I realize this is very likely a Pixel issue and not a Catalyst issue (everything works great if I plug my laptop into the amp), but I figured maybe someone had run into this issue. I tried airplane mode, forcing the screen to stay on, etc.
  3. This quote from your post was the heart of my problem: There is no place in the current APP where the actual name of the GROUP 1 or 2 amp is displayed, merely GROUP 1 or GROUP 2 below the Virtual Selector Knob. It would be nice if, in a future APP update, they were to have the names of the amps on the VIRTUAL selector knob reflect the names of the amps in the selected GROUP. Not that it doesn't indicate on the Selector knob but that, within the Catalyst Edit app, it doesn't change to the preset name at the top of the screen when you change the Group, and therefore, voicing. So it might sit there on Archetype Clean even though that isn't what you are using. Seems like an oversight but I do love the amp so I guess I won't complain now that I have it figured out. Thanks again!
  4. Thank you for putting so much work into your response. I'm going to dig into this and see if I can wrap my brain around it.
  5. I think I get what you're saying, but it seems a little weird when you look at that chart because I have not made any changes from the factory settings and yet, on Clean, Clarity is not Group 1. It is Channel A Group 1 and Channel A Group 2. Seems to me, they intended for Clarity to be Channel A and Channel B of Group 1, but that isn't how it worked out.
  6. After the recent update, I'm about confused about what all I have. The chart in the CX manual (I have the pre-CX Catalyst but with the 2.0 update) is a bit confusing. Let's stick with Clean for example. The chart says Group 1 is Clarity and Group 2 is Archetype Clean Mod. But here is what I have: Group 1 Channel A is labeled Clarity, Group 1 Channel B is labeled Archetype Clean Mod, Group 2 Channel A is labeled Clarity, Group 2 Channel B is labeled Archetype Clean Mod. When I toggle between Group 1 Channel A and Group 2 Channel A, despite being labeled the same, they both sound different (but the settings Bass/Mid/Treble etc) are the same. What is my small mind missing?
  7. Well, turns out there really was a glitch. Walked through various troubleshooting steps with a Line 6 rep and it definitely has a problem. Sweetwater is swapping it out for me. Had a real good experience with both Line 6 and Sweetwater though. You guys were also a big help. Thanks everyone. As a side note. I really like the amp.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I put the cable with one end in send and one end in receive, then strummed the guitar. No sound.
  9. Well, I don't think there's any getting around it. Something's wrong with my Catalyst. I plugged the looper into the guitar input loop (Guitar>Ditto>Catalyst) and it worked fine. Plugged the looper back into the FX loop (even reversing the cables just in case) ((Send>Looper input, Return>Looper output, Guitar>Guitar input)) and I get no sound whatsoever from the guitar. Looper seems to still be working as I do hear a click when I double tap to erase the loop. Then I pulled the cable between Send/Looper Input, still nothing from the guitar so plugged it back in. Then I pulled cable between the Return/Looper Output and the guitar is back (but of course, no looper). All cables are 1/4 Mono TS.
  10. Oh....and I should have noted since this was probably very confusing: The loop that I was hearing from the looper through the Catalyst was a loop created on my old amp that I sold to buy the Catalyst. It was still recorded and waiting on my looper when I plugged it in to the Catalyst. Now that I have erased that loop, I can't record to the looper (with it plugged into the FX jacks) and can't hear my guitar through the Catalyst when the looper is plugged into the FX jacks.
  11. Ok. I think what you are saying is that the looper will need to be in the chain between the guitar and the guitar input jack on the Catalyst? The looper I'm using is the Ditto from TC Electronics. I was hoping to use it in the FX loop so that I could use one guitar tone with the looper and then a different tone with the guitar live. I'm a little new to this so sorry for what are probably dumb questions.
  12. Yes, I checked and the FX loop is set to On. After your post, I turned on the loop and tried to play along and that didn't change anything. Not even any hum from any of the amp selections.
  13. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I have a Catalyst 60. Everything works great with the standard footswitch. When I try to add my looper pedal, I run a cable from Send on the back of the Catalyst to the input on the looper, and another cable from the output on the looper to the Receive on the back of the catalyst. When I activate my looper, I can hear my previously recorded loop in the speaker but there is no longer any sound from the guitar itself. What am I doing wrong?
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