This quote from your post was the heart of my problem:
There is no place in the current APP where the actual name of the GROUP 1 or 2 amp is displayed, merely GROUP 1 or GROUP 2 below the Virtual Selector Knob.
It would be nice if, in a future APP update, they were to have the names of the amps on the VIRTUAL selector knob reflect the names of the amps in the selected GROUP.
Not that it doesn't indicate on the Selector knob but that, within the Catalyst Edit app, it doesn't change to the preset name at the top of the screen when you change the Group, and therefore, voicing. So it might sit there on Archetype Clean even though that isn't what you are using. Seems like an oversight but I do love the amp so I guess I won't complain now that I have it figured out.
Thanks again!