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  1. I play through headphones. There’s no way I can have the master volume at maximum.
  2. Does anyone else find their POD Go extremely noisy? I get so much more noise through it than through anything else I plug my guitars in to. While I can use a gate to kill the noise when I'm not playing, the amount of noise in the background when playing quieter parts (especially if boosting gain with a pedal or one of the amp models) is really annoying. I'm using my POD Go with a PRS CE24, Godin LG HMB and Fender American Professional II Strat. I don't have any noise issues like this when going in to a real amp or even in to my PC with a POD Studio GX, using the exact same cables. The issue is only when I'm using the Pod Go. Edit: I opened a support ticket, as I can't imagine this is normal.
  3. @Slick_nyck - Did you ever hear back from Line6? Also, which ground loop eliminator did you get?
  4. That's the same experience I had. It's no longer an issue for me though, now that I plug in my guitar before turning on the Pod Go. Let me know if you end up solving issues on your side. I'd be interested to know what's causing it.
  5. I only have access to one cable at the moment. It's a 10' cable from Kerlin. Not sure if it matters, but when the problem occurs the cable is plugged in to the Pod Go, but not the guitar, at the time to Go is powered on.
  6. I got my Pod Go a couple of weeks ago and was struggling with it a bit. What I found was that pretty much all of the stock profiles sounded like they've been set up for distortion and tons of bass. I even had similar experiences with profiles I download from other sources. I'm using a PRS CE 24. After hooking everything up again this morning, to try a suggestion from someone on Reddit to adjust input impedance, I was shocked to find that everything sounded great. The strange thing was that I hadn't yet changed any settings. I went looking for an impedance setting, what I found instead was a 'Guitar Input Pad' option which was OFF and didn't make a huge difference changing it to ON. I couldn't understand why everything sounded so much better, but then I realized there was one thing I did differently from previous times. I plugged in my guitar BEFORE turning on the Pod Go. I laughed it off at first, since that couldn't possibly be what made a difference. So I powered everything off, unplugged my guitar, powered it back on and then plugged in my guitar. There it was. The overblown signal I was hearing before. Is this something that's to be expected with the Pod Go? It's not a huge issue if the guitar needs to be plugged in first, but I don't see that documented anywhere. I'm guessing the Go is auto sensing impedance on boot and not specifically when a guitar is connected, which is causing the signal to be significantly boosted.
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