Hi all,
@Line6Tony especially,
I'm making a desperate cry for help. I rely so heavily on Pod Farm 2.59 for my workflow as a mixing and mastering engineer, and I wanted to see what the possibility was for a future update to Pod Farm that allows it to be run on Cubase in an M1 environment. I notice that under the specs on the sales page, it notes that it's only 32 bit for OSX.
I just upgraded my Mac to a M1 Max Studio, and noticed upon installation there were no installers for 64 bit for Mac. Yet, on my Windows 11 machines, it works like a charm. Why did Mac users get singled out here? Is there a particular reason for this?
Is it in the works for some future date? Please please say yes, or man I'm royally screwed as I have hundreds of projects with Pod Farm inherent in them.
I know one thing that's commonly recommended.... and yes, I've tried Helix, but it's just not the same. The workflow is a lot different, it lacks visuals, and the sound just doesn't have the gusto that Pod Farm does.
By the way, as a heavy Pod Farm user, I WOULD PAY FOR THIS.
Thanks so much, please give me good news.