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  1. Thanks so much. I understand what you're saying. Here is a screenshot at least to give you an impression. I really find that adding that custom IR, the Tube Mic Pre and the LA compressor at the end makes a positive improvement on any patch. I always use that. As for the amp settings, based on an interview with Don Felder, where he claimed it was a tweed amp fully dimed, I just did that for this patch
  2. THanks, they are custom IRS of a G12H and weber alnico blue mix using a Neumann U67 and a Royer 121 with 10% EQ and a little bit of room recorded with a stereo pair of Neumann KM84s The second one is a mix of the weber alnico blue with a basketweave G12M speaker The last one is from Ownhammer, the free M75 custom IR mix
  3. Thanks!!! I'll do you one better. Here is the custom patch and custom IR I used: For the solos, I enabled a tube screamer, and for the telecaster parts, I added the script mod phaser pedal. For the reggae rhythm, I enabled the Wah pedal in a fixed position and for the supporting electric guitar lines, I added a little bit of chorus. Here is the download link for the Helix Patch and the custom IR I created: Tweed LesP.hlx?dl=0 Be sure to use the custom IR and save it in position 33 Love to hear your feedback! 50MU67edge-50Web121cap-100.wav Dimed Tweed LesP.hlx
  4. #coronagoals. I had set myself the goal to master all the parts in the epic final solo of Hotel California in my downtime during this crisis. I found out there are 11 parts!! (6 electric guitars, 2 acoustic guitars, 1 bass part, the organ part and of course programming drums). Well, it took a little longer than expected. I recorded all electric guitars and the bass using line 6 helix into an Apollo X8. I recorded the acoustic guitars with a stereo set of Neumann KM184s, finally I recorded the organ with a Roland RD-2000 and used the Luna Shape instrument to get the right tone, and I mixed everything in the new Universal Audio Luna DAW. I used a custom patch based on the tweed amp with a custom IR for all the electric guitars and I use the standard Cali 1 bass preset for the bass guitar. Here is the download link for the Helix Patch and the custom IR I created: Tweed LesP.hlx?dl=0 Be sure to use the custom IR and save it in position 33 Love to hear your feedback! Very happy user. Here is my first full mix: 50MU67edge-50Web121cap-100.wav Dimed Tweed LesP.hlx
  5. All links are fixed and added links to more of my tones!
  6. I'm sorry. It's been so long I don't remember. Let me make a screen shot of my slots later
  7. Thank you for the feedback. Can you tell me why you preferred delay over a plate reverb which is more of a classic choice for vocals?
  8. I am still so much in love with my helix! For my solo gigs, I have now gotten a great telefunken M80 dynamic mic, and very good acoustic pick up for my acoustic guitar. Now I have access to an acoustic, my variax electric and microphone, all plugged in at the same time in the three inputs, so I can switch set ups with a the single foot switch between songs. I was never able to do this with my Axe FX II I am playing with different vocal chain effects, and I am looking for any and all suggestions. On the Helix, I am using the studio tube preamp, two LA2A (la studio comp) compressors in series (one set to limit, the next to compression), EQ, plate reverb and a optional chorus in the vocal path. Does anyone have other suggestions and setting advice? Especially on the serial compression that is often used.
  9. For the fender clean tones, you can find the proper IRs attached to the first post, and locations 35, 36, and 33. For the other presets, you really need to experiment using the beautiful Helix foot editing while you keep playing. For the High gain presets, I suggest using the G12M/SM57 IRs in the folder. For the other tones, I suggest experimenting with the other IRs, which are all variations on the same theme of either a Weber alnico with a G12M or G12H with a G 12M using different microphones and different EQ.
  10. Could you guys try these links? Here are all my presets. Mostly from a few months ago: https://www.dropbox....sYSmU4-WXa?dl=0 Here are all my (custom) IRs to try. Many subtle variations to dial in a tone: https://www.dropbox....-ByPGdFDfa?dl=0 Try the SRV and Fender Twin tones for the Mayer cleans
  11. Could you guys try these links? Here are all my presets. Mostly from a few months ago: Here are all my (custom) IRs to try. Many subtle variations to dial in a tone: Try the SRV and Fender Twin tones for the Mayer cleans
  12. In your downloads, it should be there. Then just remove the TXT extension and keep the hlx extension
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