I have always loved the quality of this product .
I often record my music mobile then transfer it to my computer and use a music editing program to play back what I just recorded then I would use the Line 6 BackTrack+Mic to record a new clip of music while the music was playing back on my computer, but I could never quite get my music to line after I bring this new audio clip in to my computer..
Now this might be in the manual but who read them anyways
I just had a brainstorm Idea why not use my Line 6 BackTrack+Mic to directly record into my computer thru it's mic
well I tried to hook this up thru the usb and Got no where ...
Then I thought what if I connect the mic thru the headphone jack on the Line 6 BackTrack+Mic to my computer mic input
well it works
I can now use the awesome quality of the Line 6 BackTrack+Mic to record with my Pc computer
I can record multitrack sessions live I can either set the Line 6 BackTrack+Mic to Play only mode and only record on the computer or set it in it's Record mode to capture both on the computer and the Line 6 BackTrack+Mic
hope this is helpfull info for people that use this cool product
music recorded by Line 6 BackTrack+Mic
Don McCoy