Hi guys,
firstly this is my first post on the forum so i hope ive aimed it at the right section.
Now what im trying to do is use the podhd500x to its full potential, aside fromt he effects and tones
im trying to use its midi capabilities to full use as well.
so somewhere in the settings you can assign each footswitch with a MIDI CC or PC command.
for the top four switches i have assigned to turn on or off my line 6 echo,mod,filter pro and the 4th switch
is assigned to a clavia nord modular G2 for turning on a clock sequencer( MUSE's map of the problematic, if
anyones wondering why).
But my main problem starts with the LOOPER switch on the 500x, I want to use it to turn on/off my whammy.
the problem is after i reassign the foot switch the looper still activates making it hard to save in on mode and
use the lower foot switches as I/A switches.
Anyone else tried to reassign this foot switch and had the same problem?
i know its not a midi controller but if you are going to give a product such power it might as well be used.