Hello all! New to the Helix family, but happy to be here!
One issue has popped up for me. I'm using the Helix floor with a JTV-59. The other day, I finally dialed in a few patches that seemed really great. Took a while to dial in a nice overdriven to highly overdriven sound using the LP model on the Variax into the Brit Plexiglas Brt - Rochester Comp - EQ - etc. Have used this patch the last few days to great success.
Today, every single model on the Variax (and the magnetic pickups on the Variax) has the top end completely butchered by the Helix in every single amp, cab, combination, etc. It's the high e and b strings that sound dreadful. I don't know what has happened. I've reset the Helix to factory and tried importing my patches again (which is another problem as it seems that every patch is loaded exactly the same despite being saved separately with according names), and even reinstalled the firmware. I've tried moving the Helix to another room and plugging it in there, and tried a different power strip. I've tried it in another house just to finish the power troubleshooting. I've changed strings on my guitar and done some investigating inside the guitar to see if somehow while it was hanging on the stand and not being touched (I live alone) and found no damage or indications of issues there. I've made sure the battery inside the Variax was connected and charged (even though I run the Varian through the data cable and have never had to use the battery before). I've tried plugging the guitar cable in instead of the Variax cable. All of the gain that was there is gone on the top end. And those two strings sound like utter garbage. Sounds like I'm playing a $99 First Act, but only on those two strings. The G string is questionable, but manageable. I've checked my EQ settings as well as the global EQ. I have made sure the Wah wasn't engaged and the volume pedal was at 100% as well as removing the volume control altogether. I've also changed the signal chain as well. And I've gone through every single amp and cab in a different preset. All with the same result. The bass strings sound big and beefy, but those top two are just horrifying. And to top it off, I plugged in my Taylor 214CE in as well with the same results. I play 13's on the Taylor and it sounds like I have 8's on the top two strings.
I'm out of ideas. I know there are so many of these problems that seem to magically fix themselves (at least the forums seem to suggest that), but I guess I'm more wondering if you've encountered this issue specifically yourselves?