Hi first post my apologies if this has been asked before but couldn't see it after a quick browse.
I've just purchased a JTV-59 and already have a POD X3 live, I was messing around with the two last night using Gearbox, and I could change the Variax model using the Pod X3 live, but didn't notice any option for selecting an alternative tuning to assign to the Pod X3 live patch. Had a good look through the manuals but no luck.
Can this be done somehow? or is it a case of creating a custom guitar model with an alternative tuning for the JTV using workbench hd and then assigning that guitar to the Pod X3 live patch. I know its only a quick turn of the dial on the JTV but most of the songs the band play will use alternative tunings so I'd have to turn the dial each time a new patch is selected.
Hope you can help.