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Spider II 15w - MAX VOLUME when changing channel


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My Spider II 15w has a problem:


When the amp is turned on, AND any time a new channel (clean, crunch, metal, insane) is selected, the Channel Volume seems to go automatically to 100%, producing instant, overpowering feedback no matter what.  As soon as the CHAN VOL knob is moved, it goes to the indicated volume (so I can have my hand on the CHAN VOL knob when I switch channels and immediately turn the knob to kill the feedback, but still for a split second the amp puts out as much noise as it's capable of).


This happens regardless of what guitar is plugged in, and even without a guitar plugged in.  Also, the MASTER knob has no effect (even at 0/10, this problem still happens).


Any idea if I can fix this?

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