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Using an amp/cab simulation pedal with HX Effects


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Hi, this is my first visit to the forum and I'm hoping someone might be able to offer some advice on a set-up I'm trying to achieve.   


I'm a relatively new guitarist and have also played bass for year or so.  I got the HX Effects at Christmas and really like it.  I'm currently connecting it to an audio interface and either 1) just using the audio out from the audio interface or 2) connecting the audio interface to a DAW on my laptop when I want to record something.  In the DAW I can add a virtual amp / cab plug-in but obviously when I use approach 1) the guitar can sound a bit flat / dull because there is no amplification (other than the basic pre-amp which exists in the audio interface).


I've therefore been looking at amp / cab simulation pedals.  I typically use mostly modulation effects in my sound but also some overdrive and fuzz when needed.  Most things I've read talk about placing the OD effects before the amp in the signal chain and time based effects after the amp.  I like the look of the Two Notes Torpedo CAB M+ as it offers quite a number of options for different tones but I'm not sure it will allow me to have what I think would be considered an FX Loop with the 4 cable method which is mentioned in the HX Effects user guide (pages 8/9).   Or is that redundant if I place the different effects blocks on parallel paths in the signal chain (I'm still learning about this stuff and so trying to understand what is do-able vs not).


Does anyone have any experience of this particular simulation pedal and want to share how they're using it.  If anyone is using an alternative pedal to the Two Notes (and with a similar set-up to what I'm using) then it would be good to hear what you're using and how you use it.


Thanks in advance.

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I own both Hx Effects and the Cab M +.
I really like it as a combination.
To solve every problem, I connected the Cab M + in send / return2 so that we can position it at any point in the effects chain ...
The send / return1 is available to be connected to my tube head (GrandMeister Deluxe 40).
I use the Hx Effects output to go to stereo in the sound card or mixer.

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