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Got the new G10TII, Sometimes it connect, sometimes not, it's not a question of a real technical problem. But depends of your guitar output plug, as I have quite a "few" guitars I regularly change it's annoying, I won't fit to all my guitar outputs for this tool, go back ro my independent transmitter and receiver wireless for my Yamaha THR10 II W and 30II W.

Very irritating, solve this and i'll be your man, so if it is like now I won't.

Especially old Tele outputs give problems and I'm not gonna change my real vintage stuff, but also others, new D'Angelico's etc.


So please look if you can find  a solution


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I had the same problem with mine.

The Relay G10II unit has an "activation" switch beside the plug has to be depressed in order for the unit to work. If the thread on you input jack is too "exposed", the switch will "skip" it and won't turn on the unit. It happened to me with a Les Paul. All I did was adjusting the inner nut of the jack, so the thread wasn't that exposed, and it worked wonders. This should work on any guitar with a threaded jack. Good luck!

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