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Trying to license an authorized TonePort UX2 for Pod Farm on Big Sur Mac

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Good day!


I hope someone can assist here... 


I have a used TonePort UX2 from a jamming buddy. I downloaded drivers and got it to work with the Pod Farm app, but only in demo mode... said it needs to be authorized.


Support gave me links to download the Line6 Monkey and License Manager... 


Well, the good ol' Monkey doesn't seem to run due to being 32-bit and tho' the License Mgr allowed me to authorize the TonePort UX2, after multiple reboots the Pod Farm app still says it isn't authorized / licensed and is still stuck in demo mode.


Any ideas? Thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

The best I can tell you is DO NOT plan on getting a reply on this sir, particularly not from the powers that be at Line6.  When it comes to PodFarm they ignore us Apple Silicon users like the plague because I'm sure they do not want to invest any resources into updating a 15+ year old plug so that it runs on our systems.  They would have to make a 64-bit version of the plug and that would take some doing.  


But, I suppose we can have futile hopes!! 

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