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Line 6 does not allow me to use Helix Native on 4 devices


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Even though I have two licenses for Helix Native I cannot use it on more than 3 PCs at a time. Line 6 says to me that I reached the maximum number of activated devices. So it seems that Line 6 counts my old laptop with UX2 and Pod Farm as a Helix Native activation. I see no reason to do this as these are separate products which I paid separately and use separately. It still gives 4 devices and what about the second Helix Native license?
The other weird thing is the limit of having 10 devices activated at once. This limit includes my Pod XT and the UX2.


The cherry on top of this is the limit of lifetime activations set to 20. Can anyone explain the purpose of this limit? I reached it with my first Helix Native activation as I use Line 6 hardware and software since 2008 and I had several PC changes since then. I had to contact customer support to expand this value. I use products from many other vendors like Steinberg, Native Instruments, Waves, Air and so on and neither of them have such weird license management. I can log in to my account and activate/deactivate the product whenever I need on my own and the only thing they care is if I use their products on expected count of devices.

As I faced this issue recently when I set up my laptop I contacted the customer support and the only thing they did was expanding my lifetime activations count what doesn't solve the problem at all.

Are we still in nineties of previous century?


The fun part of all of this is that my Windows 10 PC is recognized as Windows 8 and Windows 11 PC is recognized as Windows 10 :D



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