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Everything posted by mentalembargo

  1. Hi bloodychoir - I've had a variax 300 sinse 06, the best guitar i ever had, flat neck and really playable. Actually, I sold my old Fender 70 telecaster to get afford to buy it, and never regret it... so far so good, a couple of years ago I began having problems with the piezo, low vol, drop outs, thought I could fix it with workbench... but nobe - Two of the piezo was more or less no connection and almost broken by the soldering and my local instrumentpusher had a blank look in his eyes when I mentioned the word piezo, so no help there. I looked around to find out how much it cost, but all too expensive whit shipping and all that... I took a decision and bought me a JTV 69. (have also seen tons of videos) but mann!.. I was really disapointet, not over the functionality and the sounds and it's a beauty, but the neck is alll to small for me and i constantly slipped the high e out of the fret. So I can only recommend the body. To get a long story even longer read what I've done to the problem in this thread. (#69 spooky enough)
  2. After I've read a bit around here in the forum and found that I am not the only one who has an e string slipping problem with my jtv69. But as I wrote back further in this string, I did seriousness of my considerations about taking the fingerboard from my half defect Variax 300. And damn! I'm really happy that I did - although it was not just that, had to fill out 3 of the holes with araldit glue and drill new holes. Paintet the head black too. (with all respect for line 6 logo, but not on the head of a guitar, I think) So now I have a JTV 369 and it's now totally playable compared to before and I'm just so f****** happy about it yea!! (somebody wants to buy a 69 neck :~) (thanks to "puneettaneja" to bring this issue up)
  3. Hi! i have exactly the same problem, but I've had my 69 a year now and i thought i could get used to it, but i cant, so i am really really disapointed - I'm considering taking the fingerboard from my half defect Variax 300 if I can get it fit together, though I do not like the head as on the 69. I have a question for somebody who owns a jtv69 US model. I have a Korean model and are curious about the distance between the middel of the e-string and to the edge of the 1st fret on a US model is different than mine, which is only 1.25 millimeters (approximately) to where the fret begins to round down... could i get a good-hearted person with a caliper test, to measure the distance on a US model in order to determine whether that's the penalty for buying a Korean model. thank you in advance - I hope my writing is understandable because English is not my language, if not, blame google translate. Have a great sunday Line 6 people - Dan Pedersen
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