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  1. I'm migrating from hardware to software due to the all the great possibilities but there are some irritating issues. As an example I'd like to access the display directly from Ableton Live or a Max for Live plug in. I've been using an old FBV, as well as the FBV Mk2, connected to a Pod XT bean as translator. I've converted the incoming pgm chg to CC and let it control the chain selector in an audio rack. I'v got my audio rack set up pretty much as the Pod with Pod Farm amps controlled by A, B, C, D and the stomp, mod, delay etc by corresponding buttons. This works quite well and I can Send midi back to the Pod, by dummy clips, and it will display a name on the FBV corresponding to whatever name is entered to the patch number in the Pod. I can also use the tuner display on the FBV by using the tuner output on the Relay receiver to the Pod. However I'd rather use the FBV Mk2 through USB. Does anyone know how to access the FBV through USB (fake-midi)? I'm talking about sending to the FBV, not from. Could sysex commands be used? Obviously it's possible but how?
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