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  1. Martin What is the level of CH VOL? To clean and distorted amps have the same level. And Amp Vol.?
  2. Its true if i set the pod master to full, i will get more signal? In pod, the Ch Vol. its the same to all amp's? Including overdrive and clean amps?!
  3. Exist some method to control the volumes in pod? Amp Vol. + Real Amp Vol. + Master (hd 500)
  4. Hi all, I have a HD 500, but, until now i doesnt could a good sound to distortion or clean tone.. Always sounds crap :( I play with a giannini speaker at home, and a Roland jazz Chorus in studio. The patches that i create at home sounds diferent on studio. Can someone help me? I never find a solid tone, its very boring ;( Thnk u all!
  5. i just dont understand what effect i use in pod hd 500.. Right, a Wah on toe position.. but is'nt only this..
  6. =) i just wanna help with this sound, but you're so proud..
  7. Hi, I was trying play "bulls on parade" of rage, and started search about the "scratches" of Morello. Someone can help me use the Pod HD500 to do this effect?? Thank u all!!!
  8. well, now i can understand what happens! hahahah I'll search the price of JTV's, but lollipop.. i just bought a IBANEZ to months ago :s thank u all for the answers, very nice!
  9. alright.. i wanna play a song in CGCFAD, how i do it using the pitch?
  10. WaubinHood yeah, -5 its tone like C right?! but the sound stays horrible :(( radatats man, i doesnt understood how i control the tone, if a want a C, or after B.
  11. well, i would like to change the tone of guitar.. And.. i don't find the pitch shift :[
  12. Someone can help me with Pitch Harmonic? My opinion about it is that function are to down or up the tone of guitar. Help me plz! Thnk u all
  13. Thank u dude! I played with the drummer, and the guitar sounds nice, more intensive.. i hope learned the start of hd 500.. - this guitar at: 01:04, it sounds like a dimension?! How can i do this effect in hd 500?
  14. Dudes, i put in OUTPUTS mode: COMBO PWR AMP And sounds a bit great, more sounds like a real guitar, more strong. I'll test now with the drummer. But, a think that i dont understood, i build this scenario: AMP: Blackface Dbl Nrm Pre Dist: Screamer But, i dont listen the screamer, or other dist. The sounds mixed amp+screamer but don't stay good, are horrible. Faul some configs in screamer? help plzz
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