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  1. Hi, last night I tried to record through reaper but I couldn't manage to set it up. I have seen it mentioned about setting the input on reaper to the podhd500x or something but still I couldn't figure it out. Where do u change that setting? i tried changing it on the track on reaper but I couldn't see any setting for the pod. If somebody could run me through how to set it up I would be really great full. Thanks :)
  2. Was this with a amp or just straight into your computer? I'm still learning and not sure how to get the best tones.
  3. I enjoyed it, nice tone and playing.
  4. Thanks for the advice :) I did a update through line 6 monkey and I think its up to date now. I was wondering though, I created a few custom tones in the pc edit app but today when I used the pod (not connected to laptop) the tones were not in my pod, is there something u have to do to make it so there stored in the pod forever? Thanks :)
  5. I have this strange problem and just wondering if anybody can help or has had a similar thing happen. What it is. For my headphones to fit into the pod I have to use a adapter (think its a 6.35mm) anyway if the adapter is fully pushed into the smaller end on my headphones it results in a really bad sound, its not right at all, but if i fiddle with it and have it half pushed in then the sound is right like how it should be, does anyone know why its like this? Its not my adapter or headphones because its the same with my other pair and I have more than one adapter. Is it because the adapter is a stereo adapter? that is all I can think off Thanks :)
  6. Hi, it finally arrived today :D I,m not sure what needs to be done to set it up, should i install a firmware? I have also read that when you connect it to your laptop that you need to set the output to studio, is this done on the pod device? I cant see that option anywhere. Thanks :)
  7. I have been reading about the ATH-M50x, do u think they will be good enough for a all round pair? Thanks :)
  8. Thanks for the great help :) I will have to do some thinking on what to get :)
  9. Hi :) I have just bought the podhd500x and cant wait for it to arrive. I have been reading up about headphones and have read a bit about frfr, If someone could help I would be very thankful :) What are the best headphones or ones that work well for you with the pod? My budget is around 100 pounds :) Also, is frfr like studio monitor speakers or something else? how much would a set up of that cost? are headphones frfr or just speakers? Im confused by it all but if someone could help clear it up that would be really great, thanks :)
  10. Hi :) I'm planning on buying the pod machine soon, I wanted it sooner but will have to save more because it has gone up by 55 pounds in all the shops :/ does any one know why? Anyway I have a fender blues junior amp, I have read that to get the best out of these effects machines to use the 4 cable method or that your amp needs a effects loop, My blues junior amp doesn't have this, it just has 1 input socket for the guitar lead. Do you think I will need to invest in another amp to get the best out of the pod machine? thanks all :)
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