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I have patches built using an amp/cab combo. I now want to create a patch that has ONLY the amp (no cab) so I can pass the signal to my powerstage 170 and then to real cab. My current amp/cab patches have great tones and I just want to recreate the amp settings and am too lazy to hand enter them all. Is there a way for me to copy the amp settings when using an amp/cab and then copy them into only an amp block?
I made an instruction video showing how to use the FCB 1010 MIDI Foot Controller with the HX Stomp. Hope it helps others. https://youtu.be/c2NRFl65lTs
Here are few things to share for posterity that are somewhat creative things to use. The 3.0 firmware gives HX Stomp users 8 blocks. But, there are kinda secretly 10 blocks. Page 20 of the user manual lists ways to optimize DSP and here is a trick some might use to make better use of DSP and blocks that is not described in the section of the manual. True, there are literally 8 blocks, but to left of the chain is the "Main L/R" icon. Click on that and we reveal an option to turn on an input gate and adjust the threshold parameters. This can also be toggled on/off or parameters adjusted with snapshots. So, if someone has a noise gate occupying a block, try removing that noise gate and instead use the input gate in the Main L/R instead. My experience so far is it works just as good as putting a noise gate in one of the 8 blocks. On the other right side, one will see the "Main L/R" block. Clicking on that reveals volume options to pan or adjust levels. Those too can be adjusted with a snapshot. So, if one has a volume booster in one of their 8 blocks you can remove it and instead use the parameters in the Main L/R. Combining this with a snapshot can be used for level boosting for solos etc. So, there is a work around to "buy" two extra blocks if you need a noise gate or a volume boost. That is, you can use all 8 blocks + you can use the input gate on the leftmost L/R and the level booster on the rightmost L/R. Combining those with snapshots gives a user a lot of adjustable parameters to build a pretty robust pedal board.
Thank you. I was actually watching some of these videos before posting this question. Very helpful, thank you.
I've maxed out my DSP in something I built and am curious if there is a creative way to use snapshots to recover back some of the DSP? Just to illustrate my question, suppose my FULL chain is: distortion -> amp1 -> amp2 -> cab -> delay -> EQ In snapshot 1 , I would ONLY have the following turned on: amp1 -> cab -> delay -> EQ And in snapshot 2 I would only have the following turned on: distortion -> amp2 -> cab -> delay -> EQ I'd like to add a reverb to my full chain but cannot because I've maxed out the DSP. But, snapshot 1 or 2 on their own individually require less DSP. A work around of course could be to build 2 different presets and I would have enough DSP to add the reverb, so I could go that route. But, would prefer to use the snapshot to avoid latency issues with switching presets. Before doing so, is DSP calculated based on the full collection of things in my chain even if they are toggled on/off with snapshots?
Actually I got IT! Snapshots are the way to go for this. Here is what you can do for anyone following or interested. Create a preset and recall that preset from your FCB. Now, on the stomp turn some pedals/tones ON and save them under snapshot 1 (leave the ones you want off turned off under this snapshot). Now, go to snapshot 2 and turn the pedals under snapshot 1 OFF and turn the others ON. Now, on the behringer, use the toggle on/off functionality to send a CC command associated with the snapshot (see page 59 of owners manual). For example, mine has a CC of 69:000 for snapshot 1 and 69:001 for snapshot 2. So, you can use the toggle on/off to send CC 69 with value of 00 on the first press and then 69 with value of 01 on the second press. It does exactly what I need and I have complete control from the FCB without having to tap dance on two different boards. Hope this helps others! https://line6.com/data/6/0a020a4112bbf5fb6a519e8b18/application/pdf/HX Stomp 3.0 Owner's Manual - Rev C - English .pdf
You're exactly right @lou-kash, and I was just logging in to share that. Here is what I have as an example just to illustrate. Wah -> distortion -> amp/cab -> chorus -> delay -> volume For illustration, say this is preset number 10 on the HX Stomp. On my behringer I use a PC command to access this preset. Now, on the stomp, I assign distortion and delay to footswitch 1 and then assign chorus and volume to footswitch 2. So, now when I hit button 1 on the stomp, it turns ON both distortion and delay (and both chorus and volume are off) and then when I ht button 2 on the stomp, I get chorus and volume ON and the distortion and delay OFF. This is exactly what I want. The downside is I need to dance on both the FCB to get the preset and then tap on the stomp to switch on/off the desired effects. All of this is done within the same preset so it avoids latency and is a very nice solution minus the dancing between the two devices. I *think* it might be wise of me to figure out how to toggle a Snapshot from my behringer. I can see how I can save snapshot 1 to have distortion/delay on and snapshot 2 to have chorus/volume on. But, need to figure out how to toggle between two snapshots within a preset.
@rd2rk thank you and others as well. I don't have the Uno chip and use only the stock chip. I'm running against the exact issue you note that the toggling method can only toggle one CC# at a time. I actually have this working exactly as you note with two different presets. The issue is that when I switch from preset 1 to preset 2 there is a *tiny* bit of latency. So, I was thinking if I can keep all tones combined within one preset and simultaneously turn ON a bunch of tones and at the same time turn OFF others with a single button, I would avoid the latency and minimize the dancing I would have to do to turn things on and off.
I'm using the new Helix 3.0 update on my HX stomp and my foot controller is the Behringer FCB 1010 for all MIDI control. I use the block bypass function often in my setup so with one FS on the foot controller I can toggle a certain tone on/off with a single button. Just as an example, pretend I have a distortion pedal assigned to CC#100 and I toggle this on/off using FS 1. When I press FS 1 distortion goes on and when I press FS 1 again, it goes off. This is a regular setup as I do it now. Now, what I'd like to do is control two different pedals with a single FS but in opposite directions. For example, assume that in addition to the distortion, I have a chorus pedal and I assign BOTH the chorus pedal and the distortion to CC#100. When I hit FS 1 the first time, I want for the distortion to be ON but the chorus to be OFF. When I hit the FS 1 the second time I want for the distortion to be OFF and then for the chorus to be ON. I have successfully assigned both pedals to FS 1 and CC#100. But, when I press FS 1 both go ON and when I press again both go OFF. Is there a way such that they wold alternate and toggle on/off in alternate ways as I describe here?
OK, figured out how to make the Wah pedal work with the Behringer FCB 1010 and it's really easy. Sharing this for others to use as needed. Step 1) Add a wah to your chain in the preset Step 2) Turn the wah on/off using a block bypass. This is easy and described in manual and simple to use the toggle functions on the behringer (see behringer manual) Step 3) Now, it turns out any expression pedal in exp 1 will swell your wah. So, if I plugged in an expression pedal into the stomp directly it would automatically do the wah. However, now you can "trick" your Stomp into thinking it has an expression pedal plugged directly into it. One of the reserved CC# on the stomp is cc#1 which always mimics expression pedal 1 on the stomp. Step 4) So now on the behringer set up an FS (or use the same FS as you use to turn the wah on/off) to send cc#1 with values 0 - 127. Done, now you have a wah pedal on the behringer using exp 1.
Hi All I'm the OP and decided to buy the HX Stomp and pair it with the FCB 1010 (no UNO Chip). I'm an adept MIDI user and can report a few updates for others who might want to use this ensemble. First, I bought the Stomp as a backup to my gigging amp or for occasions when my amp won't fit into a small stage. What I intend to do is set my FCB 1010 in front of me as my pedal board and set the Stomp somewhere behind me or even off stage. I'll control the Stomp entirely from the FCB. My setup is: FCB MIDI Out -> Stomp MIDI In -> Stomp 1/4" L/Out to DI -> DI XLR to mixer (BTW, I wish the Stomp had an XLR out so I didn't need the DI) I bought the Stomp and within an hour using the HX Edit software, had a few custom presets built. I configured the Behringer to send PC messages to the Stomp to change between presets and there is one thing to note. The FCB is using 1 to 128 and the Stomp uses 0 to 127. So, the PC message you send from the FCB must always be +1 the PC number appearing on the Stomp. For example, when you see PC message 100 on the Stomp, you must send PC message 101 from the FCB to activate this preset. I only had a little time to mess around with CC changes and will do more today. I had some trouble getting the Wah on the Stomp to react to incoming CC values, but I just need to try a few more things. But, if anyone has notes on that I would appreciate learning from you. I also really like the Block Bypass feature that will allow for me to toggle on/off various things using MIDI. For instance, suppose I have a distortion pedal in Block 2. You can send a toggle command from the FCB to turn this block on and off using the tradition MIDI sector values of 0 - 63 (off) and 64 to 127 (on)
I'm considering the HX stomp as a backup to my live gear (or to use on very small stages). For background, my current rig is a Hughes and Kettner Grandmeister 40 Deluxe and I use the Behringer FCB 1010 as a MIDI foot controller to switch presets and trigger various CC# for effects. Before buying the HX stomp I'm trying to learn if anyone else is using this combination (or an ensemble similar to it) and if you might be able to share your experiences. Here is an example of how I would want to use the two in combination. On the Stomp, I would like to build a preset that might include the following: 1) A three channel amp (clean, light gain, heavier crunch) 2) A wah pedal 3) Various modulation effects (e.g., chorus and phaser) 4) Boost for solos Now, what I would hope to be able to do with the FCB 1010 is really two things: 1) First, send a PC message to activate this preset (this is easy I think) 2) Now, send CC# commands associated with various foot switches (FS) to activate the various effects For example, I would want one FS to trigger the clean tone, another FS to trigger the light gain. Then, have an FS that activates the chorus pedal and use the built in expression pedals so that a CC# message of 0-127 creates the wah effect. In other words, I would build a preset on the Stomp that looks like a pedal board and configure my 1010 to be the pedal board that gives me all the flexibility of activating any of those tones at any time. Thanks for your thoughts.
LOL, stripping! I wish it were true, but in my world, we play some rooms where the band is on the floor in front of 200+ people and not technically on a stage. So, the first time this happened it was from a person who was dancing near the board. But, last night it was a sound tech walking on stage laying down cables for the show. It was all an accident. But, the way the barrel protrudes externally from the POD DC input makes it more likely for this type of stuff to happen.
Every internet forum has that one guy who has a huge resume and knows everything. Thanks for your reply and letting us know that guy is you.
Yeah that might be what I need. The current design of the stock supply protrudes outward. So, a sound tech walked on it the other day and broke it during sound check.