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  1. Hi Benriddell, thanks for your reply, from what I can see I've got it all set up correctly. See screenshots below.
  2. Hi, is anyone out there using a combination of an HXFX with a morning star MC8 and a boss RC 500? If so, I could really do with some help. I have a specific and strange behaviour whereby, when I generate a CC message on the MC8 to change snapshots on the HX FX, it bizarrely seems to affect behaviour on the Boss RC 500. For example I have one preset on the MC8 which triggers record / play on the RC-500. This works fine until I add a message on another preset to select a particular snapshot using the CC 69 with values 0 to 3 as per HXFX midi guidance. Even though the HX FX and RC500 are on different channels, bizarrely, adding a snapshot message on a different preset within the MC8 bank then affects the behaviour of the RC 500 on a completely different midi channel. I hope this makes some sense and if anyone has any advice I would be very grateful. Thanks. .
  3. Think it was 2.9 but not sure. It definitely appears to be looper /snapshot multitask triggered. As I inadvertently re-introduced it on a couple of presets when I didn't follow my rebuild process carefully. Otherwise all working a treat now and it's really making sophisticated change so easy mid song. I'm also driving different vocal fx on a Boss Ve-500.Great functionality.
  4. I think it's the latter as I'm using snapshots in stomp fine, with other functions such as goto preset X. I think it's assigning multiple different functions to a switch e.g looper and an fx bypass. You'd need to check the specifics with them.
  5. From line 6 support. It looks like this is caused by the double assignment of the footswitches when in Stomp mode (snapshot + stomp model). This should be avoided, please see page 43 of he HX Effects v.3.0 Owner's Manual: "NOTE: Although Stomp mode switches can be assigned to multiple functions, to avoid unintended behavior, we strongly recommend the HX Preset, HX Snapshot, and HX Looper commands be assigned only to empty footswitches."It looks like this is caused by the double assignment of the footswitches when in Stomp mode (snapshot + stomp model). This should be avoided, please see page 43 of he HX Effects v.3.0 Owner's Manual: "
  6. Thanks for the comments. This issue has now been resolved with the help of line 6 support. By clearing all assignments - or more specifically, any that might result in two functions being assigned to the same foot switch - you can avoid this behaviour. I am now happily and easily building the 3.1 features into my presets without the above switching problem. Hope that helps anyone else facing this.
  7. Thanks themetallikid, your issue does sound very similar to mine. I started experiencing this issue after my upgrade to 3.0 /3.01. And like you, I have no problems with foot switch changing in stomp only mode - only when using snapshots. It's a shame, as it's holding me up from really taking full advantage of the great, 3.0+ functionality. Hopefully support will resolve soon.
  8. Thanks rd2rk, I'm in contact with Line 6 support in Europe and the US. We did some more tests. They are baffled by it but think it may be a DSP related bug. Diagnosis is on ongoing and i'm waiting for an update.
  9. Thanks rd2rk, I'm using an HXFX on 3.01. The attached Free Fallin preset has the issue and the Peaceful Easy one does not. Both sets of snapshots were created on 3.0. I've tried a backup / restore and a Global Settings reset. The issue is also with Line 6 Support. Any help appreciated. Free Fallin.hlx Peaceful Easy.hlx
  10. Hi everyone, I'm loving 3.0 and creating lots of snapshots and embedded looper controls. But I've got a problem. On one new preset I found that one press on a foot switch did not change the snapshot. Instead, it seem to 'preselect' and only change on the second press of that foot switch. Not the behaviour I want. And bizarrely, on a different preset - and in stomp mode - the switching works fine on a single press. The I'm sure it's my error and I've somehow changed a setting but I can't fathom it. Look forward to getting your help. Thanks.
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