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  1. Considering selling my Mesa Boogie Mark V and going to an HX Stomp into studio monitors. I’m a bedroom musician and the Boogie, while nice, is entirely too much amp for my needs. Does anyone else just use the HX Stomp or am I going to regret it and need the Floor it the LT? I’m a simple guy. Usually Jerry Garcia/Santana tones.
  2. I plan on using headphone for the time being. The entire time I had my Floor and Powercab, I used my Powercab probably 10 times and everything else was just through headphones.
  3. Hello all, So I am a 35 year old dad for starters. I live in suburbia. I play guitar (sometimes) when my wife is watching TV or when I am supposed to be listening to my Masters Degree professor talk. I had a Blues Junior for a while but it was just too loud, and I absolutely despised the pedal market and what it did to me (I was absolutely addicted to pedals and gear). So I sold the Blues Junior and bought a used Helix Floor and Powercab 112+. It was nice. Too nice. Too much capability for me. I also didn't like the footprint. Entirely too large for my space. So I sold it (recently) and bought a Boss Katana 100W 112. It's nice, but I feel like I took a HUGE step back in audio quality vs the Helix. In fact, I know I did. I was trying to be fiscally responsible. The Katana is about as responsible and sensible as you can get. doesn't sound as good. It just doesn't. So now I am thinking, maybe I return the Katana and pick up an HX Stomp. I think it's absolutely perfect for me. Small footprint. Headphone capability, etc. Help me. Talk sense in me. What do you think? I am a strictly bedroom player, FYI, so playing out is not a huge deal for me. Also, I have a $300 credit at Sweetwater, so I can essentially get the Stomp for $300 of my own money. Or, I can keep the Katana for free. What do you all think?
  4. Ok - this may be a super simple answer, but was wondering if (1) anyone is using a beat buddy with their helix and (2) how to connect the beat buddy to the helix. I am playing into my helix, xlr out into my Powercab 112+. So I gather I need to place the beat buddy into the send/return blocks, but I don't know where to even begin with this process. Can anyone help?
  5. I really like the drum/bass capability of the Band Trio+. Anyone like the BeatBuddy? Can probably get one used for $200ish.
  6. I was (personally) thinking a Digitech Band Trio+.
  7. Ok, I have a Helix and Powercab 112 Plus. Any suggestions for a $200 spending spree?
  8. That's definitely an interesting angle with regard to the environment - I never thought about it in those terms.
  9. This is a good point - I guess I just thought that a tube amp was more or less rock solid in that it doesn't need firmware updates and will last as long as you maintain it; which is different than the Helix which requires Line 6 to continue their support of the product. I agree, though - I think I just need to understand that this product is what I am using right now, and it doesn't need to be my forever solution.
  10. Thanks for the note - I appreciate your experience and sentiment. I think you are spot on - the convenience of the digital gear far outweighs the benefits associated with the analog counterparts. As to your post - I will make my comments over there, but I have been generally happy with the PowerCab 112 Plus that I have. No complaints, but my threshold for tone is low. I am over here playing scales and beginner licks on ~$5000 worth of gear, haha.
  11. Ok - yea, I get it. You could hold onto old products for a while after they are superseded but I wouldn't run into the same "problem" with a tube amp and pedals. Now, there are certainly upkeep costs associated with tubes, so there is that. I am just trying to protect my purchase the best that I can.
  12. Good perspective - and don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the Helix isn't good. In fact, it's great. I am just worried that I will need to buy Helix2 in a few years, and my current rig was expensive hah.
  13. I am a recent Helix owner, and need some help. I am a bedroom hobbyist; no more, no less. I don't play out and I don't play in a band. I just want to play good for myself. I like to figure out licks and songs, and just have an outlet for my life. I played guitar as a kid from 13-23 and gave it up the last 10 years or so when we had our kids. I sold everything to fund their childhood, hah. I recently acquired a few items to get back into it; a Fender Blues Junior, a few pedals and a Music Man Cutlass HSS. I briefly dabbled in the pedal game, but quickly realized that it (1) gets out of control quickly and (2) there are just too many options out there. I started to think that a multi-effects unit was my better option in terms of cost and convenience. So I sold my Blues Junior and all pedals and picked up a used Helix Floor and Powercab 112 Plus locally on CL ($1200 for all). I have enjoyed it the last month or so, but am starting to get spooked by the fact that this unit will eventually go the way of the antiquated units that Line 6 now has in their lineup, where a tube amp wouldn't have that issue. So my question is, what do you all think about my current rig for my situation? Do I hold the Helix/Powercab or sell/trade back in to the tube/pedal world? What's ya'll's reasoning for sticking around?
  14. Found a full Helix and Powercab 112 plus locally for $1200. It's way more capability than I need, as this is a professional rig for sure, but I just couldn't justify the Stomp for it's obvious limitations (blocks available and foot switches) and the HX Effects because I'm not super in love with the Blues Junior. Don't get me wrong, the Blues Junior is a fantastic budget friendly amp, but I wanted to go digital and I think the BJ was getting in my way. I think we had some interaction over at TGP, so thank you for the help!
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