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  1. @silverhead thats helpful...this feature in HX Edit I did not notice. I'll have a look- I was able to restore quite a few IRs in Native from examining my Stomp presets, but there were many more experiments that i'll just have to start over with. Who knows they might end up superior.
  2. @datacommando SaschaFranck nailed my sentiments exactly. This is just lazy coding. Programmers aren't allowed to be lazy- that's strictly an end users job!! :) I would hope that a feature to collect all IR wavs into the backup file, or at least indicate filenames, should be part of a future update, but if a feature this basic and obvious has been left out of ALL the updates we have seen from Line6, it probably never will. So i shall abandon hope and get to renaming files.....
  3. Hi, I recently upgraded my Win10 system, hard drives mostly, and did a clean install of the OS and Helix Native 3.52. I was able to back up everything, all presets & all IRs into a folder, I did the bundle export as well, but there seems to be no feature to back up the IRs to the RIGHT SLOTS. Did I miss something? I can't find a clear answer to this anywhere except admonitions to write the IR list down, number your IRs, etc. Is there any method to reveal what IR name was in which slot? I still have my original drive (but i dont want to boot it because my OS customization is quite complex and it would be a real hassle) Thanks!
  4. DJ5D

    Cursor Speed in 3.50

    Are you talking about the software mouse cursor? I haven't noticed any issue there. If you are talking about the hardware knobs tho- I simply cannot believe that anyone would prefer twisting a knob 10 times instead of just once. I've found this to be one of my favorite update features. That being said, choice over fine/coarse knob speed should always be given to the user.
  5. It's not your list, but I use a Mackie Thump 15A as my "FRFR". You could also get a 12" version if you don't need the extra "thump". The amp is built in, it cranks, has decent sound, is made to sit horizontally as a stage monitor, and its surprisingly light. I was going to get a fancy FRFR but then realized that they are, for the most part, overpriced, no better than PAs, and you pay for redundant features (like IRs) So it doesn't HAVE to be a Mackie, I personally think they are great, but any decent full range PA will meet all of your requirements. The bottom line: Go to a store, compare, and trust your ears, and don't be afraid to buy used or factory refurbs either to save cash.
  6. OK here is the response I got from support on this. It doesnt explain it from the technical side, but in terms of practicality it does: "Hi, here's the official word: For Helix Floor, Rack, LT, and Native, it’s two new cabs per path (so 4 total). However, once you add two, you can still access the older Hybrid cabs. For HX Stomp and Stomp XL, it’s two new cabs total, but you can still add older Hybrid cabs. (A new dual cab counts as two) Basically, instead of the logic paying attention to the total number of cabs, it pays attention to the total number of cabs of each type. Amps follow the same logic—two per path." Since my brain had been initially conditioned by the Stomp, I misunderstood how paths worked in Helix Native, now I can easily do what I wanted, which was to compare new duals to IRs in the same patch.
  7. @jmotherwell It would be neat if Ben were also able to include memory allocation as well as DSP, that would help give what may be the final answer to this question.
  8. Nothing is explained there. It's not that they are just "still limited to one instance per path"- that would imply that its the same as it always has been. Its not. We have always been able to use a legacy dual cab + IR on an A/B path, that's the way it was and still is, but you cannot use a NEW dual cab + IR in this manner. Try making a simple patch with just an amp and a new dual on path A. Then try to put an IR on path B. It does not work. In Helix Native using Floor compatibility mode, it doesn't work there either, so this impacts everyone, Floor and Stomp users alike. Does this make sense? I'm currently talking to support to see if this is an oversight of some kind to be fixed in a future update, or if the new duals simply use too much memory and it's never going to be possible.
  9. it still disappoints and makes me head scratch, as to why with all the DSP savings, we cant have a new dual cab and an IR simultaneously. if it was all just DSP then theoretically it should work.
  10. @SaschaFranck You know, Sascha, you make a great point. I just have a dream to recreate my favorite go-to IR with the new Helix cab options, for sharing, maybe for the sheer challenge of it. I've come pretty close, but can't quite nail it 100%......yet. ill be happy with a good solid 90.
  11. @soundog Thanks for the advice! If you wouldn't mind sharing a patch that you feel is a really good example that i can study, I'd appreciate that. Maybe a snapshot of the original Pro EQ match too, so I can see what you did? And you you using multiple para EQs? If you are on Win10 one of my fave features is the "Shift + Win + S" to grab little shots off areas of the screen. Like this:
  12. Yup im getting that feeling. No way to really do it without using an IR, and thus defeats sharing easily.
  13. Has anyone here ever used Match EQ results (from Ozone, Fab, etc) to make EQ settings in Helix? I'm not talking about making IRs here, just using the data from Match EQ to create EQ settings in the Helix that are close enough to be usable. Is it a waste of time trying to do this, or has anyone gotten decent results? And if you did, how did you go about it?
  14. @Schmalle Hey Schmalle, great work! Pretty darn close for the Powerslave preset! I didn't see your post for a couple of weeks but I just tried it and the character is definitely in the ballpark. i hadn't tried the Moons yet. Thanks!
  15. If you really want to use the looper in a functional sort of way you reeeally need a midi controller pedal. Personally, the looper was useless to me, until I connected an FCB1010 midi controller- where I could have dedicated, separate foot switches for rec/play/undo/stop Getting that controller changed everything. I could finally USE the looper easily.
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