If you cannot try it in person, i would make sure you can send it back.... some of us have the same issue with the the low E and plink plonk sound...made worse when palm muting.... others seem to be fine... luck of the draw I guess. Although most of the posters with the problem seem to be 89f owners.... anyway i hope Line 6 can fix it.
Yes, you can blend the magnetic pickups .. you need to do this in Work Bench on the computer, you can not do it without the editor ...but you can save the setting on to the guitar.
Yep tried Nashville tuning, its pretty good.... like the 12 sting and alternate tunings then sound much better in a Mix ..they can sound a bit odd if played Solo ... not bad... just not 100% convincing, but in a Mix or a band setting, or jamming along to backing tracks they sound good.