I'm coming from Kemper land where all I had to do was hit a button and I was able to send the XLR to FOH with cab sims and plug in the Kemper to a cab (no cab sims) and voila! I heard guitar onstage through my speaker cab and the FOH mixes a cab sim of my amp ... very easy
I'm not complaining it's not as easy on the Helix, I'm just curious how most of you that like this setup (helix & cab onstage while sending cab sims to FOH) ... are handling the routing/split/merge etc...
I've only spent about 2 hrs with the Helix and I'm really, really enjoying it, I feel as though I've given the manual a pretty good reading but I still don't have enough hands on time with it to answer my question and the section on merge/split is not very detailed IMHO
It seems it should be as simple as guitar - effects - amp (just amp or preamp) - delay - then split to two outputs - one with no cab sims 1/4 inch out and one to XLR with cab sims for FOH
I have not found an easy way to do this yet, either I'm missing something simple or I don't understand the merge/split rules yet... any help would be greatly appreciated
OR if I missed a thread that details this greater please direct me... I did do a search