Hello All!
I am a new HD500X owner and would like to introduce myself.
My name is Tom and I have been playing guitar for over 30 years. Some of the gear I have owned in the past are, Bass Man, Twin Reverb, Marshall 2003 and 2204, Carvin, Hughes and Kettner, Peavey JSX, Mesa Boogie 2:90 / Triaxis, Mesa Boogie Mark III, Mark IV, and Mark V, EVH 5150 III 50 Watt
I still own the Mark V and the EVH 5150 III 50 Watt. The Mark V head gets hooked up to two cabs and many pedals that I need for my cover band. I end having to carry a lot of gear to my shows and wanted an amp that was a different flavor than Mesa.
I found the EVH 5150 III on line for a great price and wanted a single unit that would provide me the effects and channel switching. After some research, I decided on the HD500X
I just got the unit last week and my cables and accessories to make my snake. I already have installed the editing software and have updated the firmware in the POD. I will be using the 4CM method with the four assigned on off switches.
I have one question right now. When I create a patch with a modulation effect and assign a switch for on/off. Can I and how do I set the default on/off condition for that particular patch?