Hey guys- I bought a Line 6 G90 to put in my rack roughly about a year ago. The thing works, but will cut out if I move anywhere far away from it. Honestly for the first year, I really didn't find myself using it, but it was nice to have. I think it worked fine though, but I wish I would have been a little more rigorous in testing it so I could verify that it worked or not. For some big gigs, it functioned alright, I think it was 100% working properly. As I mentioned, lately, I'll move out front to hear the band while we sound check. If I move down or off the stage, I get dropouts. Move back closer, and I'm alright. Sounds like an antennae/range problem. But my antenna settings are : C & D Yesterday, I tried pointing the antennas more forward in case I just wasn't getting a proper line. Still nothing. During the same show I ventured over the opposite side of the stage, and the G90 cut out. I was probably 10 feet away from it, and parallel to the antennas. Anyways, what gives? I'm thinking my G90 is malfunctioning. I've tried scanning/using new channels, but the channels still have problems. the G90 is placed near my EW300 reciever for in-ears. I've got a drawer below, so I put the two together so I could actually plug them in on the rear. Would this cause a problem? I imagine it may create RF, but why would I be good to go when close, but not good when I move away? If it was an RF interference problem between the two devices, I would think I just wouldn't get any sound at all due to the RF interference. Or I'd get intermittent sound wherever I stand. The G90's pack is in a pouch on my guitar strap. When I go out into the crowd and face the stage, I'm turning away from the G90. Maybe that's the problem? I'm using a shure wireless cable as I've heard the Line 6 ones are crap. Any other troubleshooting tips? I'm going to post on Line 6's forum as well. Ben