My Helix has died.
I have tried to start it up after a week off and I have found the unpleasant surprise that when it has finished loading the firmware 3.01 that it has installed, programs have started to appear on the screen jumping from one to another and without me play nothing, the 31B to the 1C to the 30A and the 1B .... Completely crazy. The 12 metal buttons did not work and except for 11 it was lit red and 12 was flashing red. They also didn't work when pressing any of the black buttons below the screen.
No names or lights appeared above the metal buttons. I have made several attempts and the same result has always come out when I turn it on. Desperate, I have decided to try to restore its factory settings by turning on the propeller while pressing buttons 11 and 12 at the same time but it has not worked either.
So I have connected it via USB to my iMac with High Sierra 10.13.6.
I have installed the latest update of HX Edit and it recognized the helix but when I wanted to click on a present I got an error message saying
"Failed to load preset.
Timeout waiting for a response from device.
I have tried different USB cables, different usb ports, also rebooting by pressing buttons 7 and 8. I have tried to import and export .hlx files in HX EDIT with success, but I have not been able to recover previous backups with the extension .hxb.
Nothing has worked, my helix is not responding to anything and I desperately need this device to work. Please, I beg any ideas to fix it. I apologize for my English, it is not my mother tongue, I hope I was understood. Thanks a lot.
(PD: Photo 1 buttons 11 and 12 are in red. Photo2, only 11 )