Hi there you beautiful people :)
I am the lucky and happy owner of an Helix Floor unit, and I'm trying to recreate the high gain rhythm sound heared in this video. I need some help to achieve this one, 'cause I don't really know where to start, amp aside (I'm obviously using the Revv Gen Red block for this one). I tried several things, with a Tube Screamer in the front, a Teemah! or even with a pre-eq to cut some low frequencies going into the amp but I can't get close to the tightness and punch I hear in the video.
So if you have any tips, any ideas (amp, IR, overdrive, pre-EQ, pre-compressor and whatnot), I'm open !
BTW, I'm using a 7 string with Fishman Fluence Modern Pickups in it, mainly active voicing.
Thanks o/